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View Full Version : Help with programming/making a homebrew nds game!!

April 20th, 2008, 02:17
ok, i want to start making a homebrew game for the nintendo ds, now is there a program to use, also can someone post a source file for a simple game they have made?

please and thank you!!

April 21st, 2008, 03:33
What programming languages do you currently know?

April 22nd, 2008, 15:31
What programming languages do you currently know?

I know Java :p

April 23rd, 2008, 03:36
There's a port of a few components of the Java runtime environment to the DS, but it's very limited.

You'd be best off learning C++ and working with PC apps for a while before migrating to the DS, as most tutorials assume you have at least a basic understanding of C++ in the first place. You'd then want to work with DevKitARM and ndslib for making your projects.

There's also PAlib which simplifies certain parts of DS coding, but it is strictly detested by the maintainer of DevKitARM and he does not recommend its use at all.

If you're willing to settle for the GBA you could dabble in DragonBASIC, which is an implementation of BASIC for the GBA. I've tried using it, but my coding skills are pretty bad and the forum is dead. I made a simple image viewer application (greatly aided by a Java program I wrote and IrFanView for converting images, hehe).

April 28th, 2008, 01:09
I know HTML :)