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View Full Version : Xevil Please port this game

April 20th, 2008, 09:23
Xevil - this seems like it would be simple and fun to port to dreamcast. The sourc code is available, and the developers actually would like help port this game to diffent systems.


Can someone please make this happen

February 6th, 2009, 22:52
hey all, i googled "XEvil PSP" and this thread came up :cool:.
i would LOVE this game on psp because its a freeware classic! :thumbup:

Are there any developers on here that would be up for porting this bad boy? it would get a fantastic following from many PSP homebrewers because of its addictive nature, an online WIFI support mode would make this game bloody immense!!!!

any takers???

play this game.;)
love this game.:eek:
port this game.:cool:

February 11th, 2010, 20:18
will nobody come to our aid? lol i want this on my psp and i lack the power to put it on here lol