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View Full Version : Apple's iOS 8 is now available for you to download

September 17th, 2014, 22:02
Apple's iOS 8 may not look too different from the version that preceded it, but trust us: There are plenty of new bits and bobs to get familiar with once you start poking around. Now that you've had some time to dig into our full review (http://www.engadget.com/2014/09/16/ios-8-review/), you can take iOS 8 for a spin yourself -- Apple has just pushed the update live, so check your iDevice's settings to see if it's your time to shine. Just keep a few things in mind before you enter the breach: The update will only install on the iPhone 4s and newer, the iPad 2 and newer and the fifth-generation iPod touch. Oh, and it looks like Apple is having some HealthKit trouble (https://twitter.com/viticci/status/512268287364046849) at the moment, so all HealthKit compatible apps have been temporarily removed from the App Store. According to tweets from Carrot Fit developer Brian Mueller, (https://twitter.com/BrianMueller333/status/512266581679030272) Apple has been saying that a fix is in the works, but there's no ETA on when it'll actually take effect. Nothing like a few hiccups to kick off a massive software launch, no?
