View Full Version : IDE of choice?

April 21st, 2008, 01:59
I had up until today used Dev C++ for my Dreamcast programming needs, it has been giving me a lot of troubly lately! So I decided to use a different program, but I don't know where to start, so what program would be easy to setup (For a DC environment) and actually get the job done?

Edit: I don't have a coders cable or a BBA so most of my coding will be done the old fashion way.

April 21st, 2008, 03:36
Personally, I use CodeBlocks. What kind of troubles is Dev-C++ giving you?

Most developers just use any old IDE or even Notepad to maintain the source and just use bash in Cygwin to compile. I found it easier for myself to use CodeBlocks (setup using Cygwin's compilers). That way I can use bash when I need to, and CodeBlocks when I want to. Not sure if Dev-C++ can do this, but CodeBlocks has a menu of tools that you can add to - Just setup BootDreams to open with a folder passed as an argument and add Makaron as well. It takes less than a minute to test DC stuff out this way.

It you're fairly new to coding, try out the CodeBlocks installer I made. You don't need the Dev ISO installed because it includes the Dreamcast compiler. Just install CodeBlocks 8.02 (http://www.codeblocks.org) and install the Dreamcast installer on top of it (http://dcemulation.org/?title=CodeBlocks_DC_Dev).

April 21st, 2008, 18:28
Compile errors mostly, if I tried to compile pre built DC source codes it wouldn't work! I even had the compiler custom built to find the KOS library.

Does the DC installer for codeblocks point the compiler to Cygwin by itself?

Edit: Where is default.conf located? It keeps asking for it during the install process.

April 22nd, 2008, 02:53
What sources where you trying to compile?

Regarding default.conf: Once you open\close CodeBlocks for the first time default.conf gets created in C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application Data\codeblocks.

I don't discredit you. Perhaps it's a bug in the configurator. Let me know if you're still getting asked for default.conf.

If you need any other help just ask here.

April 22nd, 2008, 22:25
I tried to compile a ton of source codes, I am currently trying the Commander Keen source, it didn't work well in Dev C++ but I think I might have better luck with Code Blocks. Just one question though, I mainly do PC coding, so to make sure this works out ok, if I wanted to compile the Keen source code using the DC compiler in CB, how would I set up all the files that need to be compiled?

April 23rd, 2008, 03:31
Create a new Dreamcast project by going to File, New, Project, Dreamcast Application.

From there look at the Dreamcast's Makefile and add the C files it calls to the CodeBlocks project. From there you'll want to goto the project's properties (in CodeBlocks) and add linker libs, search directories, and compiler options and defines.

April 24th, 2008, 01:21
Ahh I knew something was wrong, so suppose I wanted to take the PC Daedalus source code and just straight up compile it to the DC architecture. How would this work?

April 24th, 2008, 04:36
The first thing to do would be getting it setup in CodeBlocks. Then compile it and start fixing the errors as they come up. You will have to write video routines. It's probably best to start with something like a small SDL project, or more ideally playing with already ported SDL projects and redo anything they did.

April 24th, 2008, 23:09
I love my Visual C++ 2005 IDE. Bit more difficult compared to Dev-C++.

There is a Project Template for DC Development (as in KOS development)

*You make the software as usual, it builds a makefile for you that links KOS and ROMDISK by Default. and easy to link anything!

Hitting Build actually Builds via Cygwin (sh-elf, arm-elf, etc.,) and debug transfers to CC or BBA :) *DCTool*

Google it, Really nice. VS 2005 is good because Intellisense helps you see arguments you need and what they are