View Full Version : Irisman 3.3x

September 22nd, 2014, 23:49
Aldostools, we need to present its full range of utility with a port manager Iris Manager 2.93 to Estwald / D-Skywalk.

New / fixed: [3.30] - Fixed an error between the background "PIC1.PNG" absent and some games - Ability to load the patch Habib anti-ODDE via "settings.ini" (0 = disabled, 1 = new patch, 2 = new patch except Custom Cobra 4.65 Habib, 3 = old patch) * The addon Discless now includes a corrected Orion90 "explore_plugin_460.sprx" file * Added a small addon for Discless 4.60 CEX only if the old addon was installed, install it to correct the "explore_plugin_460.sprx" file Irisman (http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/mydownloads/visit.php?lid=512) Website: aldostools.org (http://aldostools.org/ps3tools.html)
