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View Full Version : EU Orders Game Industry to Protect Youth

April 23rd, 2008, 17:45
The European Union is unsatisfied with how rating systems are protecting minors from videogame violence and are requesting game companies adopt a new "industry code of conduct," according to Reuters. While the EU is all for freedom of expression, protecting minors is a higher priority. Recent school shootings in Europe, coupled with mature titles like Manhunt 2, have brought about these mandates.

While the EU does have the authority to enact legislation, the union is allowing game companies two years to adopt a new cohesive rating system. EU Consumer Protection Commissioner Meglena Kuneva said of the situation, "When children go out to play today they enter the world of joysticks. We are not quite sure where they go and there is real anxiety from parents."

Interestingly enough the EU is aware that there is no conclusive evidence that links videogame violence to real life violence, but the union is opting for the "better safe than sorry" approach by pushing for the promotion of the Pan European Games Information (PEGI) age rating system, which is said to be conclusive.


April 23rd, 2008, 21:31
There is no point to imposing a new code of conduct. The problem is with the parents who buy violent games for minors and the stores that sell them. The sad truth is parents will "almost" always ignore a game's rating in order to appease their children, then turn around and blame the system when their offspring act out. Regardless of the content of the games in question. With titles like Manhunt 2 the fact that it should not be played by minors is self-evident, however, parents continue to buy them for kids. After all, if stores are doing their job correctly then minors should not be able to buy these types of games on their own much like alcohol or cigarettes. So the question remains, who exactly is responsible? Certainly the blame for unacceptable material (via video games) getting into the hands of children not old enough to play them, falls squarely on parents (the money) and stores (the supply). I would say penalties should be enacted for supplying minors with age restricted games. I cannot see anything other than that stopping parents from buying games like Manhunt 2 for their thirteen year olds and stores from ignoring rating restrictions in purchases. After all, money talks.

John Vattic
April 24th, 2008, 13:14
Ok this "i'm not responsible for my own behaviors/impulses" is making me ill. If someone is violent, it's not some media formats fault.

Since i was a child i've been watching horror/violent tv. I have not and will never hurt anyone because i'm not a stupid beast.

If someone is an ignorant beast acting out impulses and carnal behaviors, they will do so regardless of media propagation.

However i do believe sports encourage beastly acts.

I mean c'mon, like every super bowl win/loss has a follow-up riot. After all it is a grown man/woman playing with a ball :( they can't be too very intelligent now can they.

this unfortunately is the price we pay to be living in a world of idiots. Stupid football fans flip cars and go gta after games, and us people of sound mind who don't bother anything have to be punished too.

At least i can still have resident evil and shoot all the zombie/beast people, as is improper behavior in the real world. or at least until the un and eu begin their deployment of mass infectious virus dispersal and you people become the beasts of prophecy.

Then resident evil is meerly a training survival game.

C'mon eu/un please implement the 80% population reduction now! A populous of rational and critical thinkers are much more productive than beasts who act on impulse.

April 25th, 2008, 17:47
At least i can still have resident evil and shoot all the zombie/beast people, as is improper behavior in the real world. or at least until the un and eu begin their deployment of mass infectious virus dispersal and you people become the beasts of prophecy.

Then resident evil is meerly a training survival game.

C'mon eu/un please implement the 80% population reduction now! A populous of rational and critical thinkers are much more productive than beasts who act on impulse.

up until this, you had a sound argument.

Now, I think you need psychiatric help, and quick.

Oh yeah, and back on topic, it seriously makes no sense. if all they want to do is make sure kids can't get violent games, they can't. Much like alcohol, tobacco, etc. there'll ALWAYS be ways for underage people to buy/download the games, much like there is with beer etc. Whether it's an older friend (or relative) buying it for them, or downloading it for bit-torrent, there's usually no way to stop kids getting stuff they're not "allowed". and because it's not "allowed", it's cool. Simple as.

Basically, the governments are fighting a losing battle, and working against what they're intending to do. Instead of kids thinking "Violent games are baaaaad mm'kay", they're thinking "That manhunt 2 game looks awesome, I mean it must be awesome because it got banned", or whatever you'd get with a kid's mangled english nowadays :p.

April 26th, 2008, 03:29
At least you are not in Australia

John Vattic
April 26th, 2008, 05:13
up until this, you had a sound argument.

Now, I think you need psychiatric help, and quick.

I still have a sound argument, as that metaphor only meant i'd rather be the one tear gassing the crowd than a person in the crowd, which obviosly you are.;)