View Full Version : ngPsp v1.3.1 Release

September 15th, 2005, 18:28
Please read the readme.txt file before use.

-- Update September 15th --

Sorry this build took so long. I actualy forgot to finish it off when I had issues with getting irda to work. I desided to just go ahead
and release this build as there are a few who wish to have it. Yet there is a few issues with this build. First Samurai Shodown 2 & Last blade
have some serious issues with the emulator. I have no idea what broke still but both games will lock up for a few mins durring a battle then
resume but yet keep repeating this every so often. Someone told me Sonic was not working in the last build but seem to be fine in this build
(I played till the 2nd world just fine). The game is actualy decent to play at 333 and a frameskip of 4. Well thats about it. Enjoy.

Oh one last thing. Thanks to everybody who donated for me to get a second PSP. I have been working on the wifi library, dubed Nemo, and I am
very very close to getting adhoc suport done for p2p. So hopefuly I can get a adhoc demo out in the near future once i can finish off the
rewrite of the librarys. Exspect a huge thank you personaly to every donator in the wifi demo.

Ps. I officialy changed my name from nexis2600 to PSmonkey now. :)

-- *NOTE* - This build defaults to 333Mhz as it was a development build. You can still downclock the emu to 222 via the menu.
.) Removed VSync from rendering. Games get a small boost and framerate is now around 40-50 fps in most games. A improvement over being a pretty solid 30.
.) Sound code is there but ungodly bad. I left it in this build in the hope someone can help me out with correcting it and getting it accurate.
.) Suport for using a real bios added but disabled in this build.

-- If you wish to donate to this project. Please use the link below -

ngPsp Paypal Donation Box (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=nexis2600%40gmail.com&item_name=ngPsp Development Donations&item_number=1&no_shipping=0&no_note=1&tax=0&currency_code=USD&charset=UTF-8&charset=UTF-8)

DOWNLOAD Via Comments

September 15th, 2005, 21:02
great release :)

September 17th, 2005, 04:42
best Emu evah!

December 21st, 2006, 01:35
Please , new version ......

December 21st, 2006, 01:37
Please , new version ......PSmonkey stopped dev on all his projects because of him working for a company that forbids him to homebrew dev i believe. So there won't be an update at least not from him. ;)

December 21st, 2006, 01:50
PSmonkey stopped dev on all his projects because of him working for a company that forbids him to homebrew dev i believe. So there won't be an update at least not from him. ;)
Yeah, very sad...

December 21st, 2006, 13:49
PSmonkey stopped dev on all his projects because of him working for a company that forbids him to homebrew dev i believe. So there won't be an update at least not from him. ;)

Slightly off. Any devleopment he does while employed at his company will belong to the company.

Thankfully, I am not bound by the same rules about after work hours where I work.

December 21st, 2006, 15:43
Slightly off. Any devleopment he does while employed at his company will belong to the company.

Thankfully, I am not bound by the same rules about after work hours where I work.

I thought he stopped work on M64 because of his company forbidding him to do so. Or was it that it would probably take up too much time?...

December 21st, 2006, 16:26