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View Full Version : Snes4ALL Coming Soon

September 15th, 2005, 21:25
Chui, Fox68k and Franxis are going to release a new Snes Emulator for the Dreamcast :), heres what Chui posted in his hosted forum:

Today, i will compile first prototype of SNES4ALL under Dreamcast!!!!
A new project of SuperNintendo emulator for Dreamcast and GPX2 by Fox68k, Franxis and me. It's a remix of last snes9x and snes9x Zaurus port (SDL video). Also, i convert Unix ioctl audio to SDL audio. Now, it's compile under Windows and GNU/Linux.

What do you think about another SuperNintendo emulator for Dreamcast?


Also this news has been posted on http://www.rockandaluz.com/~dciberia/tiki-view_articles.php the awesome Spanish Dreamcast site :)

Thanks to Ron for the awesome notice

September 15th, 2005, 21:54
I have been at phone with Fox68K and it's confirmed and verified. The Dreamcast release is not finished yet, but it's a reallity. Congrats... a lot. Very nice NEW.

Cap'n 1time
September 15th, 2005, 21:56
this is somthing i have been waiting for... forever. Snes just belongs on DC and these guys are people that dont give up till they see complete results. I expect this to be THE dc snes emulator.

September 15th, 2005, 22:39

September 15th, 2005, 23:10
All he said was he was compiling a first version. There is almost a 0% chance that it will be faster than DreamSNES (which as you people seem to forget was written by some of the coders who started the scene). This isn't meant to be an insult at all, just a fact, that they are basically saying they JUST started on it. Odds are scherzo will have a new faster version (there are at least 3 people who say my demo of it) of SFC that will be much faster than v2.

September 16th, 2005, 00:21
you're right, quzar, i hereby take back that little happy bit up there, and look at the reality that it isnt happening, and shut my big mouth, 'cause if i want fullspeed snes emulation i have a pc or an xbox.

September 16th, 2005, 00:22
Not release at near future, only it's a new open source project of portable SDL SuperNintendo emulator for Dreamcast and GPX2.

Now, i've compiled the first version for Dreamcast without assembler cpu core and it's slow.

It needs a lot of time and work. UAE4ALL needed close to 1 year to decent release and it need more work.

September 16th, 2005, 00:24
you're right, quzar, i hereby take back that little happy bit up there, and look at the reality that it isnt happening, and shut my big mouth, 'cause if i want fullspeed snes emulation i have a pc or an xbox.

Or an actual SNES. :)

It's nice to hear that there's another SNES emu in the works for the DC. The more, the merrier. :)

September 16th, 2005, 00:26
true that, i was just pitchin' a fit. :) no bad karma.

Fly On
September 16th, 2005, 03:11
It's always good to hope for the best though, right ?

September 16th, 2005, 04:58
yup yup yup. i hope everything that evryone is doing gets to make them happy, and i hope it all works out, it will take time, and much patience for us (the audience), to see finalized products, or whatever they feel is good enough to release, like chui said, it took about a year for uae4all, and they're still working on it. i have mass amounts of hope though.

September 16th, 2005, 10:53
I wish to the developers best luck! They have showed us that they are able to do great things. Nice to see a new emu on the scene. Much effort has been done on SNES, hope this time Dreamcast gets a decent emulator to keep us all satisfied, competing dreamsnes and superfamicast is not so easy!

September 16th, 2005, 14:54
Yuppie !! Great news. Its one of few not finiszed emu for DC. Chui is a great coder so i belive he will make a better snes emu than dreamsnes. I also like to see some kind of cheat option (like game genie) and quick save option in every moment of game.

September 16th, 2005, 19:49
Chui is one of the latest and greatest coders, with the help of fox68k and Franxis, I think they're the ones to get a better SNES emulator for DC than SuperFamicast and DreamSNES. Long wait, but I believe in their work. Quzar, what are you now working on?

September 16th, 2005, 22:23
Wooooohooooo !!!!

So GREAT NEWS ! Super Nes was my favorite system with the NES. That's really cool !

... But. Are you starting from zero this emulator ? Because may be if Super Famicast is improved, this'll do less work.

September 18th, 2005, 00:47
Same here, I'd love to see a new team (along with Scherzo) working on a SNES emu!

...still great news :)

September 18th, 2005, 07:15

It's very good to see that Dreamcast Homebrew is not dead. Slow, but still alive. Everyone, including myself, wants a full speed SNES emulation on DC. It is not impossible. it just takes time and mental effort to transform hardware specs and capabilities into software code. I am very glad a new SNES emu is in the works. I hope one day, the same to the programmers, to see an emulator running at full speed.

I also hope that one day DC developers coulg bring a Genesis/Mega Drive emulator running at full speed soon. Thank you all ( the programmers, testers and all working in the scene) to keep the beloved console alive.