View Full Version : Wifi update

September 16th, 2005, 00:45
Source - http://www.drunkencoders.com/

Sgstair posted a quick update on his site:

Some people have been asking what to expect as far as an API goes, and what sort of integration will be required to use this as a library. I've answered this a few times on irc, but I'll put it up here too, for people who want to know:
The API will be purely exposed on ARM9, and will consist of a TCP interface through lwIP (look it up for it's api), a small raw interface to allow sending/receiving raw data, and a custom interface to poll for and connect to access points and other wireless networks.
As far as integration goes, it'll probably require a function to be called on init of arm7 and arm9, a function to be called periodically on arm7 and arm9 (via timer or vblank), and the wifi interrupt will need to be connected on arm7.
As always, this could change, but I'm pretty confident it'll be pretty close.
