View Full Version : Downgrader Cancelled- News from PSP-Dev Team

September 16th, 2005, 07:35
The PSP-Dev team released this news:

We want to announce that the colaboration between the two groups has been completly finished without success. We also want to announce that WAB has been disolved. The relatioship between the two groups were vanishing days ago (some of our members were banned from their server) and there is no progress with the colaboration.

In addition, the downgrader project (never finished) is immediatelly cancelled (it is not an excuse, we can't explain our reasons, but are enough to do this).

Time for meditation...

Hmm more to come on this im sure there will be.

September 16th, 2005, 07:47
well what can i say my hopes for downgrade became ashes

September 16th, 2005, 07:55
cancelled, that sux, i was kinda looking forward to this.
a bummer for all those with a higher version =(
maybe they can transfer their progress so far to another team? dunno, oh well

September 16th, 2005, 08:50
Let the I-told-you-so's begin!

September 16th, 2005, 10:08
lololololololololololololololololololololololololo loololololololololol

All 1.5x+ users just got hella cock blocked

September 16th, 2005, 10:13
Even though I own a 1.50 I'm still sorry it didn't work out...

but I TOLD YOU SO!!!

If you're a skeptic you don't get burned as often. You're just that much more excited when things actually work out. I beginning to be hopeful on this one thogh...

September 16th, 2005, 10:47
wtfuxxor ;(

too bad it didn't work out

September 16th, 2005, 11:31
lololololololololololololololololololololololololo loololololololololol

All 1.5x+ users just got hella cock blocked

**** you ***got 1 day something will happen to you and when that happens i hope your cock gets chopped off! :mad:

Some of us already had later firmwares put on and were looking forward to homebrew apps but that doesn't mean it won't happen just will be a little longer until we can.


September 16th, 2005, 11:39
Meshyf, why dont you go try what does gasoline taste...

I'm out of words.. This is just so damn stupid...

September 16th, 2005, 13:02
**** you ***got 1 day something will happen to you and when that happens i hope your cock gets chopped off! :mad:

Some of us already had later firmwares put on and were looking forward to homebrew apps but that doesn't mean it won't happen just will be a little longer until we can.


whoa chill out man.

September 16th, 2005, 13:33

Well my psp is going back to the store. i wont be here much longer. I guess those donations were for nuttin huh. thats is soo wrong. There was this guy on PSO for xbox. he wouldnt release shit unless you met his donation limit but at lease he actually release his hacks. Thats alotta mess. the entire wab team lost the respect of the scene.

Cap'n 1time
September 16th, 2005, 14:19
sadly... i almost saw this coming.. with the scum like wab working on this... well lets just say it makes sense.

September 16th, 2005, 15:11
i thought it was fake, and i think this is just an excuse.
howvere, if they really were working on it, then they could at least release the source code they already made, and let someone else try to finsih it

September 16th, 2005, 15:34
I think WAB is going on a long vacation now with the money that has been donated to them :/

September 16th, 2005, 15:57
i thought it was fake, and i think this is just an excuse.
howvere, if they really were working on it, then they could at least release the source code they already made, and let someone else try to finsih it

seriously, from the release of this news you can tell it was bullshit from the beginning.

now that WAB and PSP-DEV have broken up,
they're just going to bury everything because any memory of
that relationship would be too painful to unearth?
i'm not homophobic guys, but it looks like you guys put too much
love into that relationship.

if they really are on unfriendly terms now, you'd think that
they would be rushing ahead to complete the downgrader
on their own.
that way all the glory goes to whoever finishes it.

well, anyway, they've proved once again that money can be made
from releasing crappy homemade movies.

September 16th, 2005, 16:00
This is why I don't donate to anyone, just to risky and can easily be a waste of cash. And this pisses me off, now I have to warn my friend before he goes off and buys a new PSP that's probably a 2.0 that no downgrade is coming.

September 16th, 2005, 16:05
well find a 1.50 psp and enjoy your life all

September 16th, 2005, 16:22
Well I saw this one coming. I believe I was kind of bashed a few weeks back when I said that WAB wouldn't be able to deliever and for everyone not to get their hopes up because this might happen.

I was kind of hoping they would release it, especially after they announced PSP-DEV was involved. It would have meant European PSP owners could have been part of the community, which would have made it better. Back to the drawing board.

September 16th, 2005, 16:23
who didnt see that coming :/

September 16th, 2005, 16:51

Someone caught yoshi and alonetrio on tape :=)

September 16th, 2005, 16:55
Wab should go eat a light bulb

September 16th, 2005, 17:08
Sigmatic, sweet, everyone should watch that, it seems very true

D-Boy, lightbulds don't taste good, and it gets sharp shards all in your mouth

September 16th, 2005, 17:16
Instead of working on a downgrader shouldn't someone work on cracking the 2.0 firmware or is there a reason why this can't happen?

Cap'n 1time
September 16th, 2005, 19:40
Instead of working on a downgrader shouldn't someone work on cracking the 2.0 firmware or is there a reason why this can't happen?

well there are reasons. I dont know the technicalities but i do know that its almost as close to impossible as one can get.

September 16th, 2005, 21:11
i thought it was fake, and i think this is just an excuse.
howvere, if they really were working on it, then they could at least release the source code they already made, and let someone else try to finsih it

Hi i'm french and Yoshihiro released the source code (not 100% functional :rolleyes: ) on Gueux.Be with explications. But i'm septique.
It's in french.

Cap'n 1time
September 16th, 2005, 21:24
Hi i'm french and Yoshihiro released the source code (not 100% functional :rolleyes: ) on Gueux.Be with explications. But i'm septique.
It's in french.

good stuff. Is it possible you could translate the whole post by Yoshihiro?

September 16th, 2005, 21:38
sorry my english suck :o and i don't want make errors with this stuff.

September 16th, 2005, 21:50
if my translations is good enough says he has released beta version he most recently was using.




September 16th, 2005, 22:00
beta version but not working 100% so useless.

"These files will not dammage your PSP and will not modify your firmware. They are mainly intended for the developers wishing to take again the continuation."

September 16th, 2005, 22:09
its that useless have u tried it? seeing it doesnt dmg ya psp

September 16th, 2005, 22:23
no, i have a 1.5 but Yoshihiro says it and other people on the forum, but why tested.
The files is not those of a functional downgrade 100%, it's just to present the projections of the work realized until now.

September 16th, 2005, 22:38
I guess 1time was right about WAB this whole time. I'll never doubt anything he says again.;)

September 16th, 2005, 22:42
Beware Link for the source have changed because archive was corrompu.

September 16th, 2005, 23:01
i dont think everyone will be cursing wab.

i have a 1.5 with no reason to update thanks to their version changer.
it can play anything from any version so i have no problem with them.

September 16th, 2005, 23:10
I checked that beta out on my v2.00
It really boots, but I don't have enough brave to start this (I took my battery out after the PSP Boot Animation started)
So.... yeah.... it boots,.... Does anybody know how it goes on in that beta?

Fly On
September 16th, 2005, 23:34
Just saw this news today, and my first impression is "WHAT?!?!"
Since they already came out with the working version changer, I really did think that they would pull through on this project. Oh well.

September 16th, 2005, 23:51
I checked that beta out on my v2.00
It really boots, but I don't have enough brave to start this (I took my battery out after the PSP Boot Animation started)
So.... yeah.... it boots,.... Does anybody know how it goes on in that beta?


I got this just aint got the bottle to press it :rolleyes:

September 16th, 2005, 23:56
run it, and if it completely screwes the psp, send it to sony playign the inocent routine. (i didn't do homebrew....)

September 17th, 2005, 00:07
seeing it says 1.5x - 2.0 i am guessing theres a trick to it. like switching memory cards when u run it, maybe thats why he had 2 memory cards in the beta zip? :confused:

benny blanco
September 17th, 2005, 02:21
do any of you realize how bad of a blow to the psp community this is. You have to realize that the version changer almost made the upgrade neccesary games work on a 1.0. This sucks so bad. This can't be the end. There has to be some comprimise, why go so far to just throw it away. Thats so dumb, its whack.

el fwacketta (that was a smack)
benny blanco

September 17th, 2005, 02:39
i hope they give someone else the source code

September 17th, 2005, 05:08
Anyone had the balls to use the Beta yet..!? lol

Jap 2.0 right here, sitting at that screen...still dont have the balls to do it

September 17th, 2005, 05:10
cough *scam* cough *fake* cough... cough.... cough....

jk, i thought this was real, but WTF did sony forbid you? too bad your not located in america.... can you maybe give an american psp coder the info on how to do this? over here (no offense) we have more freedom, and less copywright... kinda...

September 17th, 2005, 05:15
sony is an american company, dude

September 17th, 2005, 06:08
Damn you for geting my hopes up and then crushing them like ummm peanuts...

If anybody needs me I will be hanging in my closet...

September 17th, 2005, 08:38
if u wanna know what it means go to

and select page transalting, insert the url of the page and select the translation made

some words babalefish didnt translate:

derniere= actual, newest
demarrer=to make smth start
telecharger=to download
etait= past form of be
telement= such, so
fonctioné=function or working
éspére=to hope

thats it, i hope u will udnerstnad a bit better
J'espère que je me suis bien fait comprendre !


ps: i learned french in skool for 5 years, but everything i can say is: je ne sais pas and je ne parle pas de francasie :)

September 17th, 2005, 08:48
I can't believe what totally dumb luck it was that I, in a rare lapse of dilligence in keeping my shit up-to-date, managed to keep a 1.5 PSP. Shit, if I got mugged tomorrow for the PSP, I'd take my chances running away with it.

I don't think WAB could've made *that* much money from donations... and anyway, if they really did release the source code, then the donations were still worth it, because in the end, the cause was furthered.

I love my PSP so damn much ... My roommate bought one right after me at the Sony mall here in San Francisco... he got 1.51. What crap ass luck, huh?

September 17th, 2005, 12:03
It smells a SONY involvment.
Keep your mouth shut is a very legal term to keep them out of work

Cap'n 1time
September 17th, 2005, 14:58
sony could have somthing to do with it... yoshi seems to be the only decent member in wab. PSP-Dev some how had issues with the rest of the wab team or somthing like that but i would think they would have gotten along fine with him.

September 17th, 2005, 23:37
well i know dev releases isos so i doubt sony "got to them"
im sure its as simple as an arguement.

too bad we all have to suffer the consequenses.
well actually you, i have a 1.5.

i really dont get the whole problem sony has anyways,
dont they want the machine to be used to full potential.
i think the hombrew shit i have right now is fantastic, im impressed with this little machine.
yet sony wants to take that from me.

i gave you my money ****ers, alot of it.
i deserve to have the right to do with my psp anything i want to.
you dont see the people making computers making updates that make all of the earlier programs people own obsolete.

i know its a legality issue, but its still ****ing stupid.

September 18th, 2005, 02:00
I checked that beta out on my v2.00
It really boots, but I don't have enough brave to start this (I took my battery out after the PSP Boot Animation started)
So.... yeah.... it boots,.... Does anybody know how it goes on in that beta?

a note for English people :

I offer my sources to you so that you can continue the project

Method 1 :
First step:

you need two memory stick and both file which is in the rar. all what is in
MemoryStick1 goes on the ms1 and all that is in MemoryStick2 goes in the ms2

second step:

method to break the second lock of the update.
it is necessary for you to launch the first eboot on your psp 1.51, 1.52 or 2.0.
you will see white screen and as soon as the white screen passes to the black
press three times power so that the psp is put in hibernation mode, your psp
sleep, take your time and to replace the first memory stick by the memory
number 2. as soon as all and operational, re-press power to leave the
hibernation mode. the psp load update correctly and tell you that update 1.50
is ready to start, exactly the same thing that the 1.00 th psp will block it
is the last checking which there is on update.

Method 2 :
__________________________________________________ _______

it is a MD5 in eboot.pbp program of update, if you modify any byte of updater it will be launched but under
the PSP OS UPDATER you will have pretty a message that your update is corrupt and cannot be launched,
this MD5 is so large and visible that nobody speaks about it. It is placed at the last line of Eboot below
the psar it is thanks to that which Updater verified that Eboot was never modified. This md5 is not
in the updater of UMD Game a small hard question? . the answer is because Sony knowledge very although
the umd' S are not thus copied they did not add a security for verifier if the psar were modified.
I did not find yet how to calculate this md5 and to find to what it corresponds.
But him only is clée. the last thing for Executable updater umd as the 2.0 they are completely identical
to that which functions since the memory stick but they are signed differently with a
special flag UMD thus for the psp that is impossible to launch it since the memorystick



September 18th, 2005, 02:04
Anyone had the balls to use the Beta yet..!? lol

Jap 2.0 right here, sitting at that screen...still dont have the balls to do it

a note for English people :

I offer my sources to you so that you can continue the project

Method 1 :
First step:

you need two memory stick and both file which is in the rar. all what is in
MemoryStick1 goes on the ms1 and all that is in MemoryStick2 goes in the ms2

second step:

method to break the second lock of the update.
it is necessary for you to launch the first eboot on your psp 1.51, 1.52 or 2.0.
you will see white screen and as soon as the white screen passes to the black
press three times power so that the psp is put in hibernation mode, your psp
sleep, take your time and to replace the first memory stick by the memory
number 2. as soon as all and operational, re-press power to leave the
hibernation mode. the psp load update correctly and tell you that update 1.50
is ready to start, exactly the same thing that the 1.00 th psp will block it
is the last checking which there is on update.

Method 2 :
__________________________________________________ _______

it is a MD5 in eboot.pbp program of update, if you modify any byte of updater it will be launched but under
the PSP OS UPDATER you will have pretty a message that your update is corrupt and cannot be launched,
this MD5 is so large and visible that nobody speaks about it. It is placed at the last line of Eboot below
the psar it is thanks to that which Updater verified that Eboot was never modified. This md5 is not
in the updater of UMD Game a small hard question? . the answer is because Sony knowledge very although
the umd' S are not thus copied they did not add a security for verifier if the psar were modified.
I did not find yet how to calculate this md5 and to find to what it corresponds.
But him only is clée. the last thing for Executable updater umd as the 2.0 they are completely identical
to that which functions since the memory stick but they are signed differently with a
special flag UMD thus for the psp that is impossible to launch it since the memorystick



September 18th, 2005, 04:42
How much money did WAB make off of all the donations?

September 18th, 2005, 05:07
too much probably
be glad if you didn't donate (like me)

September 18th, 2005, 12:38
The downgrader does nothing?

tested on a 1.52 psp ran the downgrader from wab switched off the psp replaced the stick woth the 1.50 and started the upgrade, but it gives the standard error "a later firmware version is installed no need to update" this is exactly the same error if you actually dont bother with the wab downgrader and just put in the actual 1.50 eboot?

i see no point there what so ever? running the wab tool does nothing? it makes no difference if you run the tool or dont run the tool, the downgrade still gives the same error at the exactly the same place, THE BEGINNING? with the wab tool the update\downgrade wont start, and without the tool ot gives the same error and wont start? so can someone fill me in on what its actual purpose is as it actually does nothing at all, it doesnt even get you 1 step further ahead? i thought it would get half way though and then error and brick my psp (not that i mind or i wouldnt have done it) but it didnt even start... he might as well have said "run the 1.50 update and try and figure out how to get passed the (no need to update)" screen..

i was uttterly dissapointed i thought it would run part 1 on memory stick 1 and then ask for memory stick 2 and run part 2 and either **** my psp or work.. but it didnt... it doesnt even get passed stage 1.. so if it cant get passed stage 1 whats the point in it? it is no better or worse than actually just trying to update from a umd that has 1.5 on the cd...

pointless and dissapointing, if it ****ed my psp i would atleast be happy they did something, bypassed something, anything, but this looks to be usless..


Cap'n 1time
September 18th, 2005, 15:12
uh.. look before you leap is the only advice that comes to mind :D

September 18th, 2005, 15:16
Glad you tried it.
Pretty brave!

I only have a 1.50.
And at least the Wabchanger works for us

September 18th, 2005, 16:28
uh.. look before you leap is the only advice that comes to mind :D

What do you mean by that?

i have read what yoshihiro write and i have follwed his instructions to the letter, now he doesnt say that it actually works, i understand this, however after all the "**** who who dont believe in us" abuse we got from this lot do you not think they look like complete idiots now they have released something that doesnt actually do anything at all, nothing, nada, sweet FA? why would you go to all the trouble of calling people "bitches" and all that nonosense if yuo hadnt even done anything. These videos hosted on there site, the letters to the sites and release dates, and even comments about "bricking psp's" no offence, but this program couldnt brick a brick! it does nothing, nothing at all. i can honestly see no use in this what so ever, your just as well notusing any of the tools provided and just buy a UMD with version 1.50 on it, select upgrade firmware that way... coz that aint gonna work is it... well.. neither does this tool, its harmless, usless, pointless and funny. i thought they had a way to atleast bypass some of the checking, i mean i would be happy (because i would just retun it this afternoon) if my psp was ****ed dueing the process, at least this would prove some development? This doesnt work, feel free to test, it will do your psp no harm, you will have better luck updating\downgrading by trying to do it off the UMD.

Now sorry for the rant but i feel that they are looking like silly little girls right now if they were going around calling people "bitches" and "**** to all who dont belive in wab" all all this embarrasing childish nonsense they were involved in, who is the bitch now? who didnt do what he promised? who actually cant do what he promised? who took money off people to do a job then opened it up to the worl for other people to do because he cant actually do it? who abused people and slagged people off because he was saying he was the best etc etc.. and turns out he ashnt done any of the things he actually claimed he had done?

Personally i dont really care about the downgrader, i own a 1.52 soon to be a 2.00 as i have a 1.50 coming on the post, then the 2.00 is getting so9ld as i have a 2.00 white psp from liksang ordered no idea whan that will arrive but hey.. so ill have a 1.5 black psp from emualtion and a brand new white 2.00 for gaming\show. What does bother me is reading these posts for months now watching wab and popel on here ranting on about how great wab are and how they wont let you down, and reading wabs responses to critisism etc etc.. i have held my toung and made no judgment,.. you can see this because this is only my second post here, however this in no way reflects my time here. i have been visiting here for many many months i just have not jumped on the "they will do it" and the "they wont do it" band wagon.. until now when they have the cheek to relase a usless POS and claim it as a downgrader beta or the v0.9 they were wittering on about.. its an embarrasment and an insult to themselfs. They have embarrased them selfs and will not be taken seriusly again without serious hard work and proof. i bet when they sit on a bus or walk down the street if people recognise the they feel like such stupid little girls. "We can dowgrade, **** all you bitches who dont belive" yeah of ciurse you can WAB, i tested your downgrader you might as well not bothered.

September 18th, 2005, 16:59
"switched off the psp"

did you put in in hibernation or turn off??

The instructioin said to put it into hibernation not turn off.

3 fast up on the on-off switch puts it to sleep

September 18th, 2005, 17:45
yes it hibernated, if i switched it off it would not continue its process and would back to the XMB with all settings forgot.

I followed the instructions to the letter, try it yourself it does nothing. I can do no more than state the facts. it does not work.

This is what happens,

load the MS1 into the psp and run the "beta" 1.5x 2.00 downgrader.

press x to launch the thing, the psp logo comes on the screen, if at this point you do nothing you get an error stating the data is corrunt.. if you follow the instructions and flick the poweer switch 3 times the psp goes into hibernation, you switch the sticks and when it comes back on line it goes directly to the screen saying "perform 1.50 upgrade" when you press x to continue it gives you the standard "you have a newer version etc etc etc etc"
if you do this process without even using the downgrader at all and just run memory stick 2 (which is the 1.5 formware) and completly by pass the mamery stick 1 sectiona dn instructions, EXACTLY the same thing happens, if you put in a UMD with 1.5 firmware and try and upgrade\downgrade to it again you get teh same error, i tried every combination i could find.. i was even quick enough to switch memory sticks with out turning the psp into hibernation mode and it still did exactly the same.

i followed the instructions and i am telling you now, this does nothing, to you, your psp or you pants.

Try it yourself and see. It is impossible for this to brick a psp, you could run this all day (which i have since this morning as i keep trying differnt ways incase i got it worng) and will will do no harm to anything as it is usless.

September 19th, 2005, 03:33
At least the wabchanger works like it should.
It made a lot of 1.50 users happy.

I personaly think Sony had something to do with the sites being shut down and teams broken up.

all quiet on the legal front

September 19th, 2005, 15:40
btw , a thnx pepegomez to give us a hint what yoshi said, would have been nice :)

slik da relic
September 20th, 2005, 08:04
hmmm... does this mean my 1.5s stock went up? $1000 for a 1.5 on ebay? i believe u can still find a few at the lil stores. u cant fault Sony tho. its their machine, and they know that simple "innocent" things like homebrew, leads to more "sinister" stuff, like fastloader, and hook boot. thats the reality.

da relic

September 20th, 2005, 16:54
wab.com is up and running again..

Cap'n 1time
September 20th, 2005, 22:26

King Llama
September 20th, 2005, 22:35
Just waiting for their next bit of "news" as to why the downgrader was cancelled... perhaps alonetrio is pregnant now?

September 20th, 2005, 22:52
I wouldn't be surprised if Yoshihiro was the father ;)

September 21st, 2005, 04:40
Yeah, I really want to hear what they say about the cancellation. It's gonna get intersting I'm sure. I really hoped this would have gotten done. Wab explain please! XD