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View Full Version : New DC owner - noise question

April 28th, 2008, 09:09
Hi. I received a used Dreamcast today. When using a CDr, I noticed that the Dreamcast makes this horrid screeching noise at first, but then everything loads and runs fine; the Dreamcast remains as quiet as a Dreamcast can be. I'm sure that I burned the disc correctly - 4X, dummied, Raw DAO. So I'm wondering: is that screeching noise indicative of anything I should be worried about? I figure I should recalibrate the laser, but if the unit runs fine after the initial noise, is it really necessary? I've never really taken a console apart before, so I'm a little apprehensive about it, and since this is my first Dreamcast, I'm not too familiar with the sounds it should and shouldn't make.


April 28th, 2008, 12:47
there are some strange noises that the laser makes when it isnīt calibrated.
I think that you donīt have to worry about the noises, but if you calibrate the laser, it will work better, faster and give a longer life to your console. If you feel that you can do the work, then go and tune up your DC. Remember that you will need a multimeter to do the job!

April 28th, 2008, 13:46
I would suggest not touching it at all. That problem is more common with CD-R, it can happen with normal DC discs as well. Its the motor not the lens, and is common among DC's, hence the phrase "It's Thinking"

CD'R do make the lens work harder, not much though, playing any type of disc will wear the lens over time, so as long as its reading your discs Callabrating the lens is probably the last thing you want to do.

April 28th, 2008, 15:55
when the laser isnīt properly calibrated, the DC makes some noises like if you are stepping over a chicken, letīs say some kind of "chik chik chik". In my opinion a good calibration will extend the life of the laser, making it work less and improving the loading times. I repeat, this is my opinion, i just have empiric experience fixing my dreamcast and a lot of cd/dvd drives for PC. I also recommend it just for people with experience. If you donīt know how to use a screwdriver, never dissasembled a radio/console/computer/etc. and donīt know how to use a multimeter, get away!

April 28th, 2008, 22:06

Though the sound I think he is refering to is becuase cd-r are read inward-outas to original discs are read outward in. thus causing the motor to work harder. this will occur regardless of how it is callibrated.

I would also like to point out the reset bug doent not have to do with the lens. this is a overheating issue very similiar to the red rings of death, and reguires a different fix