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View Full Version : Smash Bros 64...Full Speed?

April 28th, 2008, 16:31
Hey guys, I have my SeXbox modded and have had it modded for years....have not played it in a long time. I just recently went back to my N64 Smash Bros with my friends and I would like to play it on my SeXbox because the graphics are better and it is easier to run with the SeXbox analogs, Z (R) cancel, etc

Have they updated the emulator for that recently? I had the all-in-one installer for the Xbox on the CD-R I used...obviously I am sure i could just replace the emulator files and install it that way?

Does the game even run at full speed? I remember there being maddd glitches in mine....samus laser...the shields...mario and luigis fireballs....etc

Also, what emulator do you guys use within the emulator and what settings? All I care about is getting Smash 64 to run nicely.


July 27th, 2008, 23:17
If you say "SeXbox" one more time, I'm going to break the damn thing when you're sleeping.

Unfortunately, as well as it is emulated for being on a 733 mhz processor, it will never run at full speed. It runs successfully on two of the three emulators, but I don't know which one works best. UltraHLE, perhaps? Some levels run perfect...while others (like the castle) slow way down when zooming in and out occurs.

The emulators have been updated over the years, but only with new menus and video plugins.

Perhaps trying it with the latest version of Surreal XXX will make a difference, but I haven't tested it.

July 28th, 2008, 01:12
Dude, this thread is months old, that SeXbox thing is pretty f*ing retarted though.
Anyway, Super Smash Bros 64 runs excellent in the original Surreal64 v1.0 (a lot better than SurrealXXX even).
If you run it in Project64 it will occasionally lag (really, its not very noticeable) but it will show more words, logos, textures, etc.
1964 runs it a little faster, but words (i.e. the Difficulty and Life Quantity settings), but really, it runs like a charm :)
If you ever do check back to this, YourStillWithMe, that's all you really need to know.

July 28th, 2008, 05:40
lol sexbox...