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View Full Version : DVD to UMD??

September 18th, 2005, 06:54
Well, people have been asking how to rips DVD's to put on memory sticks. Most people say that if you want a lot of videos on a 1-2 gig stick, you're going to have to settle for pretty bad quality. However, I think if someone with connections in the movie business could get their hands on a UMD recorder package, it would solve a lot of problems, including the quality and space problems. It's bound to happen eventually, and I think the hardest part would be just getting blank UMDs. Would it be totally legal, though, because I wouldn't want to break any laws?... (Obviously copying them to give to others would be illegal, but that's just like DVDs. If you just wanted to put your DVDs on UMD, however, I don't think it would be illegal, but I'm not sure since UMDs are a Sony thing..) If you could do it, I think it would be pretty awesome. Anyways, I just wanted to know what you guys think of this.

September 18th, 2005, 08:25
firstly umd are pressed and secondly it would be cool!

September 18th, 2005, 11:45
It's bound to happen eventually, and I think the hardest part would be just getting blank UMDs

The hardest part will be getting a UMD burner. Since they do not exist, this presents a huge problem in your idea.

September 18th, 2005, 20:07
in the words of Kryten 'a splendid idea Sir, with two minor drawbacks - there is no way of doing it and secondly there is no way of doing it. I thought i'd say it twice as it was so important' ...

September 18th, 2005, 22:10
it would be great....but thats like saying a PS3 emu for PSP would be great

September 19th, 2005, 18:13
The hardest part will be getting a UMD burner. Since they do not exist, this presents a huge problem in your idea.

so if they dont exist, how are the originals made?

September 22nd, 2005, 03:08
They must exist, but I think he means it would be nearly impossible to get your hands on one, which I agree with.

September 22nd, 2005, 03:44
No, I mean they dont exist. Just what it says. UMD writers do NOT exist. The data on a UMD is pressed on the disc. Thats all the info I can(will) give on that. Believe it or not. Doesnt matter to me.

September 22nd, 2005, 18:59
The current UMD's are created in practically the same way as the current dual layer purchased DVD's. The information is physically stamped into a thin layer of metal that is then encased in plastic (in it's most basic form).

Burnt DVD's work in a much different way, the burn process basically checmically alters properties of the die that is encased in the plastic. This creates the pit's that a stamped dvd would have by making an area of the chemical less reactive to the laser that is beamed at it. Remember it's all 1's and 0's ;)

September 24th, 2005, 00:40
I see. Sorry for the misunderstanding. But there are DVD burners now, how did those get made? Is it possible that UMD burners would be made then?

September 24th, 2005, 05:46
I see. Sorry for the misunderstanding. But there are DVD burners now, how did those get made? Is it possible that UMD burners would be made then?

Its ok, maybe I was being to blunt. I just dont see UMD writers coming into the picture. What purpose would they serve ? Everything you could use a UMD for on the PSP, can be accomplished with the use of a memory stick.

September 24th, 2005, 05:54
Couldn't you have more movies, or am I mistaken?

September 27th, 2005, 01:22
In theory you could have a UMD burner (leave the reasons asside), the technology is basically mish mash of DVD and Mini Disk. Sony have made the UMD Disk a standard. However you need to look at this from the other angle. If Sony (or one of it's partners that have licenced the technology) release a UMD writer, Sony would be asking for all sort's of problems with copying disk's ( a lot of the games so far have no copy protection and were relying on the fact the disk is not copy'able, a bit like the Nintendo Cube). Also as we have seen with DVD-+R the first 3 generations of media were not really ver compatible, less issues there as all PSP drives 'SHOULD' be to the same spec, but I garantee the manufacturer will not be the same in all unit's.

It's just not in Sony's best interest to allow a writer, the only real reason to have one is to copy PSP disk's! There not big enough in storage size to be usefull anywhere else!

So technically possible, in practicality will not happen.

September 27th, 2005, 01:24
Oh yeah just on another note, the inflated price of MSDuo will not stay that way for ever, and 2GB MSDuo will become more available. UMD only holds 1.8Gb anyhow (in dual Layer mode)