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View Full Version : Man stages Wii Fit experiment to lose weight, gain fame

May 3rd, 2008, 00:31
About a year ago, one morbidly obese (er, a tiny bit chubby) man began a quest to find out what happens when you stop being polite and try to exercise via Wii Sports (see above). Apparently after losing 9 pounds, dropping two points from his BMI, and 3-inches from his waist, he's ready to go again, this time with the Wii Fit. Sure, it sounds like a second-rate Super Size Me publicity stunt -- and it probably is -- but who doesn't want to see just how lean the Wii's newest accessory can get you? Now, the tubby 191 pound man will run himself through a rigorous Wii Fit program for five shocking weeks. The stunt has already scored him an early Fit from Nintendo, so there's no telling where this could go. We expect to see an Adonis or skeleton when it's all over, pal -- either will do


May 3rd, 2008, 05:39
Oh cmon. 191 pounds. Thats not even that bad. My dad ways more than that and I wouldn't even remotely consider him obese. Grow up.

May 3rd, 2008, 05:52
Height and build are factors in obesity, not just weight.

May 3rd, 2008, 16:47
that's why the Wii Fit gives out an BMI (Body-Mass-Index weight/(height)²) and not just marks you as overweight because you have that much weight...