View Full Version : PSP Firmware 3.95 Decrypted ?

May 3rd, 2008, 21:39
via french site pspgen (http://www.pspgen.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=6771&mode=&order=0&thold=0)

In the article Why a custom firmware 3.93 rather than 3.95?, We explained that 3.95 was regarded as no great novelty and interest. However, if the tip of the iceberg did actually nothing much exciting, the hidden part has been modified to slow the creation of a possible Custom Firmware thanks to changes in address NIDS encryption PRX.

Today is therefore encryption PRX which was broken and the firmware has delivered its entrails shameless.

This does not always say that a Custom firmware 3.95 will see the light of day because there is still addresses NIDS is to find and hard work for little additions to this 3.95. Above all, as stated in the previous news, it will probably be completely redone for the firmware 4.0.

In the hours ahead, we will put online a version of Psardumper able to decipher the 3.95 to puisiez that you yourself have fun with it.

You probably lack a name to put on those who made this feat. Again, our fetish programmer, is behind this discovery and we already preparing a release so that you can play alone with the files of 3.95. Stay in line!

Please note that this information was published after informing MathieuLH and received his agreement for broadcast.

Arent translations great :)

Basically we may see a release to support the official 3.95 firmware

May 6th, 2008, 16:43
LOL @ "our fetish programmer"

Just keep imagining some dude in a gimp suit hunched over a PC hammering out custom firmwares. lolz.