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View Full Version : PSP Dungeons: Assault Run - 3D Editor v1.03

May 4th, 2008, 10:43
Charnold (http://www.caweb.de/) has released a new version of his PSP Dungeons: Assault Run Game and Editor.


Heres whats new:

05-02-2008 Version 1.0.3

- some internal map format changes: the map editor can open the old versions, but the game can't (so open the map in the editor and goto file / create game format)

editor changes:

- bug removed when opening a map that has fewer mapareas than the currently selected maparea (now the current maparea after opening a map is always the first)

new property per component: is level-exit (yes/no)

- when the player collides with this component, the current map is deleted from memory and the next map is loaded (the map names must be map001.d2, map002.d2, map003.d2...).
- when a map has a level exit and there is no next map, the map001.d2 is loaded again
- when the next map has a different modelpack, the md3 models are also deleted and loaded

game changes:

- config.txt file (in system folder), here you can set vsync on/off and change the titlescreen text
- particle effect when hitting enemies

Download Here (http://www.caweb.de/psp_dar/PSPDAR.zip) and Give Feedback Via Comments

May 4th, 2008, 22:47
This looks awesome, I'm gonna take a crack at making maps for it.