View Full Version : VGBAnext 1.3.1 with full AndroidTV support

April 28th, 2015, 22:58
via http://www.aep-emu.de/

After getting an AndroidTV device (ADT-1), I have been improving VGBAnext for AndroidTV and other gamepad-only Android devices. The newest VGBAnext 1.3.1 adds many optimizations that will make your big-screen gameplay not only usable, but actually enjoyable.

First of all, I have added the overscan padding, required to make application fit your TV screen. I have also changed the application banner so that it looks sharper and more similar to built-in app banners.

On the gamepad front, you should now be able to exit emulation with the BACK key and open the menu with the MODE key. If your gamepad has no MODE or MENU keys, just press A+BACK for the menu. Furthermore, if your gamepad has no SELECT or START keys, X and Y will do their job now.

The key mapping dialog ("Settings | Input | Assign Keys") has also been changed. Pressing the same key twice unmaps it, pressing it three times confirms the dialog. You can still cancel the dialog with the BACK key at any time.

As this release contains some major UI changes, I would especially like to know of any problems you are having with it. Please, either email me or post to the EMUL8 discussion forum.
•Optimized app for AndroidTV, tested on the ADT-1 box.

•Added overscan border on AndroidTV devices.

•Added hints to the emulator and key mapping dialog.

•Fixed crashes on devices with no web browser (e.g. ADT-1).

•Replaced AndroidTV banner image.

•Enabled gamepad-only emulation interface.

•Press BACK on gamepad to exit emulation.

•Press MODE or BUTTON_A+BACK to open menu.

•Press BUTTON_X if you have no SELECT button.

•Press BUTTON_Y if you have no START button.

•Xperia CIRCLE button now acts as BUTTON_B.

•Redesigned key mapping dialog.

•Press same key twice to remove it from assignments.

•Press same key three times to confirm key mappings.

•DPAD_CENTER key no longer confirms key mappings.