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View Full Version : fMSX/fMSX Deluxe 4.2

May 10th, 2015, 23:03
via http://emu-russia.net/en/

MSX emulator for Android has been updated. Changes:
- Added optional floating action button that starts the last played game.
- Removed waveform interpolation for more realistic sound.
- Tested on ADT-1 and optimized for AndroidTV, adding overscan border.
- Redesigned key mapping dialog.
- Press same key twice to remove mapping, three times to confirm dialog.
- Enabled gamepad-only mode in emulator and File Selector.
- Press BACK on gamepad to exit emulation.
- Press MODE or A+BACK to open menu.
- Press L1/R1/X for MSX SHIFT/GRAPH/CONTROL keys.
News source: https://play.google.com (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fms.fmsx)
News source: https://play.google.com (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fms.fmsx.deluxe)