View Full Version : Sunshell v0.3

May 11th, 2015, 00:05
Rinnegatamante offers version 0.3 of " Sunshell "that the image of" Moonshell "on Nintendo DS, Shell is offering a multitude of applications such as playing videos, images, music, etc ...


Version 0.3 released!

Full changelog:

- Updated titles database for parsing feature.
- Now statusbar on Video module updates its status in realtime and not by percentage changes.
- Solved a bug in Extdata Module which causes crash if you open a file, exit module and re-enter it.
- Solved random "error reading file" crashes bug.
- Added icon on topbar when WiFi is off.
- Added background icon system support to Clock module.
- Solved Calc module issue which prevents you to append decimals to zero.
- Solved Calc module issue which prevents you to append zeros as decimals.
- Solved Calc module issue which causes crash if you try to delete a one-digit number.
- Solved Calc module issue which causes crash if you click equal button before doing any operation.
- Added Theme Manager module to apply Sunshell themes.
- Solved screen flickering issue with errors and warnings.
- Added CIA importing support to Filebrowser for 3DSX build.
- Added imported CIA support to Applications for 3DSX build.
- Added CIA Manager access to 3DSX build.
- Added sound support to 3DSX build for N3DS users.
- Added "Song" Cycle Mode in Music module to loop a single song.
- Solved noise and overlap issues with big duration OGG files.
- Solved random crashes issue with music playback.
- Solved wrong audio end (with overlap) for OGG files.
- Added Vorbis audiocodec support for JPGV videos in Filebrowser and Videos.
- Solved stuttering issues if an OGG file is playing.
- Solved random flickering screen issue with font usage.
- Made controls triggering more reactive in Music module.
- Now font printing will be used also in Extdata Manager, Filebrowser, Calc, Mail, FTP Server and Photo modules.
- Changed default font with a more complete ones.
- Now currently played song will be printed in blue in file list in Music module.
- Solved wrong "&" char blending in Applications module.
