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View Full Version : Next Prince of Persia will 'never' be ported to Wii

May 6th, 2008, 21:00
In much the same way that one might admire the Lillberg sofa-bed in an IKEA before throwing a mid-riot brick through the window, Ubisoft says it was impressed with the Wii's capabilities while bringing Prince of Persia: Rival Swords (by its own admission a "quick and dirty port") to the console. Nintendic reports that the company told Edge magazine that it would like to return the Persian prince to Nintendo's box, only (and presumably) it would put some actual effort into it this time.

Ubisoft is also emphatic that this game, if ever given the green light, wouldn't be a port of the recently announced next-gen entry. In fact, it said, that will "never happen." So ... can we put that down for a "maybe?"


May 6th, 2008, 22:10
BOO! thats retarded! the wii rocks!

May 6th, 2008, 23:22
They are probably tired of not being able to make the game look beautiful on the Wii because they have to use really low poly models compared to the ones they would use for the 360 and the PS3. Yes you can make it look good with texturing but that can only go so far. I mean, you can tell the difference between an average 360/PS3 game and the best of the Wii titles right? That's because even when you squeeze every last ounce of processing power out of the Wii it is simply an overclocked Gamecube with some awesome controls. Nintendo needs to update the technology to snag the top franchises.

May 6th, 2008, 23:41
They lost a big chance of selling a lot

May 7th, 2008, 03:48
*Manages to refrain from killing another person for posting about Wii being an OC'd Gamecube for the n-th time*

May 7th, 2008, 05:48
*Manages to refrain from killing another person for posting about Wii being an OC'd Gamecube for the n-th time*
Well, if 3rd parties would stop doing this, people wouldn't have to say it. Sadly it's true if you look at the specs. Nintendo dropped the ball. I'm going to laug though when game companies start to drop or cut content on the 360 in favor of the PS3 because their HD games can't fit on a small DVD.

May 7th, 2008, 21:54
this is getting real lame. back in the day you could own a nintendo and a sega console and buy the game for both systems, because each was a totally different port. sometimes with new levels or even different story line. the reason why I bought a PS3 and chose to get a Nv8800GT over a xb360. I bought a wii thinking all these cool next gen games would get a wii port that would be a totally different experience.

wiggy fuzz
May 7th, 2008, 22:06
at the moment there is nothing seperating the xbox 360 and the ps3. a game made for the ps3 gets ported to the xbox 360 looks and plays exactly, and vice versa.

the wii only ever gets ps2 ports