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View Full Version : Some Doom Questions

September 22nd, 2005, 02:06
Ok, so I downloaded the latest version of DoomPSP and put it on my PSP and I have a few questions.

When I boot it up, it automatically loads Doom 1, but I thought that it also included Doom 2. I checked my PSP folders, and apparently it only came with the Doom 1 wad. Where can I get the Doom 2 wad/Why didn't it download both wads? Am I mistaken in thinking that Doom 2 was included?

Also, I've actually never played Doom 1 on a PC, but I have played Doom 2, and I was wondering if Doom 1 was supposed to have music in the background like Doom 2 does.

Lastly, I wanted to know why some of the monsters are already dead when I load up the game (I didn't kill them).

Any answers are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

September 22nd, 2005, 21:46
dead monsters? dunno.

same bg music? yup, they are made on the same engine.

doom 2 wad? you can only get it legally by buying the game.

collectors edition doom is a good one to buy because it comes with all of the wads.

September 23rd, 2005, 00:43
Where can I get the Doom 2 wad
I believe there may be a link to a commercial Doom2 wad in the Thread "Doom Wads the good and the working" but you didn't hear it from me!

dead monsters - who knows!

September 24th, 2005, 00:50
Actually I do own the Doom 2 game, but I was just asking if it came with the download cause I thought it did. I have since found other wads, but I still don't know why my Doom 1 has no music. Are you sure it is supposed to? It's not a big deal I was just wondering if it had that same music, and if it does why it isn't loading on my psp. Not too big a deal. Thanks for replying.