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View Full Version : my memory stick doesn't work

September 22nd, 2005, 18:22
Ok, I played my psp about three or four hours ago and it worked fine. The memory stick was doing fine. I put my psp away in my pocket, like I do all the time when I'm done with it, and then now I pull it out and it says that the memory stick isn't inserted. Its in there. This really makes me pissed, I hope that my memory stick isn't broken, because if it is thats just a big waste of money.

Can anyone help or give me advice?

September 22nd, 2005, 18:55
Try using it in another device. Try re-formatting it in a card reader. Do a search for "corrupt memory stick".

September 22nd, 2005, 20:33
they get corrupted alot, very often
very often if you put your psp into sleep mode while playing a homebrew game, or something else
try what F34R says, or you can easily replace it at the store u bought it in, or send it in to Sandisk for a new one(or whatever company, most offer replacement for things like this, but if they ask say u were doing something other than homebrew, if thats what u were doing at the time)

September 22nd, 2005, 20:46
Damn, thats what I did. I put it into sleep mode while it was playing a homebrew game. So I have to contact the company?

September 23rd, 2005, 01:15
I dont know why people are having so much trouble with their mem sticks. I have done just about everything to my mem stick, except running it under cold water, and I havent had the first bit of touble with it.

Sandisk 1GB Pro Duo (retail) (http://www.sandisk.com/retail/mspd.asp)

September 23rd, 2005, 02:01
Well this sucks. I really hope they will replace it because if they don't, well thats $50 just down the drain. Damn.

September 23rd, 2005, 02:10
Where did you get it from ? May I make a suggestion. Some places will not take items back if they are used in a way not designated for that item. There is a slight chance that if you tell a retail store that you were using hacks on your PSP, and the stick stopped working, that they may not replace it.

I am not saying you should lie about what happened. Just provied vague details. For example:

F34R:Yes sir, my memory stick isnt working anymore. I'd like to exchange it for a new one please.
CSR: Can you explain what is wrong with it ?
F34R: Sure. I was playing a game, and had to stop for a few hours. I paused the game on my PSP, and put the PSP into sleep mode. When I returned a few hours later to resume my game, I "woke" my PSP up, and I the PSP was "saying" there wasnt a memory stick inserted.
CSR: We'll be glad to help you with your exchange. May I see your recei......

And there you have it. F34R's guide on exchanging the faulty memory stick !

September 23rd, 2005, 03:02
Would Circuit City take it without the orignial packaging?

September 23rd, 2005, 10:46
Call 'em up and explain it. I would show up in person though. Sometimes its harder for someone to say "NO" to your face, that to say it over the phone. If they say "NO", ask politely to speak to a manager. If the manager says "NO", ask to speak to her supervisor. Dont stop until you have either exhausted everyone that works there, or they've switched the mem sticks out for you.

Remember, be polite, but firm.