View Full Version : Iris- Hope psmonkey reads: )

A Bag Of Potato
May 8th, 2008, 17:42
Hi, this scene has had almost no posts for ages and seams dead. I have pm'd PSmonkey to try and get the source code, but there was no reply for i think a month or more. I'm not a very good coder but even if it takes me a week to make a small update that would be kwl.

So I've just started this thread to see if anyone else has the source code or knows if PSmonkey even goes on these forums any more. Because we need to get this scene going again, it was kwl when it was still alive.

p.s :thumbup:

May 8th, 2008, 17:45
psmonkey is around, i too would love to see Iris enhanced

A Bag Of Potato
May 8th, 2008, 18:57

I was just reading some of the other threads. Seams like there have been other people trying to start things up again but have failed:(.
I may not be as good at coding as some of them but i definitely will try harder.:rolleyes:

May 16th, 2008, 11:13
Hi, i tried getting it up and running but u will need the source from PSmonkey.... can u program in anything? i will be happy to help but due to my school work i am unable to put in more than 24 hours a week..... i can program in c++ java basic and pascal but source is in c++, i have the psp dev kit as well if u need anything just ask

thank you

A Bag Of Potato
May 20th, 2008, 16:07
HIi, thanks for the reply, i have had no response from psmonkey for some time now, so methinks i wont be able to get the sorce code. As for my codeing skills i know c++ and a bit of .net . I still hope psmonkey will get in touch so i can get the source, if he does i will gladly accept any help i can get.:)

May 22nd, 2008, 03:51
Weve tried before. For some reason, he thinks its not worth releasing the source code :(.

May 26th, 2008, 05:52
Sorry for the lack of reply but I tend to not have much time when I check PMs and tend to forget to reply to them. X_X

Anyways as someone said, Iris is no good. I actualy feel quite embaresed when I check the src on my pc sometimes as it's a total mess and expanding it wont really result in anything with out a full rewrite. All the info used to build Iris is readily avalible on the net.

I personaly would far prefer helping instruct someone to build their own iris vs trying to put life back into my iris. It's not worth it.


May 26th, 2008, 06:14
It's okay psmonkey, we understand your pain. J/K! I actually thought Iris had alot of potential, just my opinion.