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View Full Version : amoxiflash binary for win32

May 8th, 2008, 17:48
News from Bushing:

Just a quick post on my way to bed:

I did some hacking around, and was able to get amoxiflash to build under XP. I’ve posted a binary for Windows here: amoxiflash-win32-02. In order to run it, you will also need to install the libusb-win32 filter from here: libusb-win32 filter driver

Of course, the source is included there (for what I’m calling “Version v0.2″), and you can compile it under Mac OS X and Linux, too! I’ve tested it a bit under Windows, but I make no promises. On my MacBook Pro using VMWare and XP, it seems to run at about half speed under Windows as compared to natively under OS X. Ideas for improving the speed would be greatly appreciated.
