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View Full Version : Call of Duty 5 Already Playable

May 10th, 2008, 00:10
Sources tell us that the upcoming Call of Duty 5 game in development is already playable, and currently going through quality assurance.

Treyarch is also said to be the developer, and the title, we're told, is set in a WWII Pacific environment and will be using Call of Duty 4's engine, the same engine on which the upcoming James Bond: Quantum of Solace movie game is being built.

Yesterday, on the company's call to investors, Activision publishing CEO Mike Griffith said CoD5 would be coming to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC and DS, in addition to a return for the franchise to PS2 and Wii for the first time in two years.


May 10th, 2008, 01:20
Great, it's also coming to PlayStation 2 :)

And glad to see the Wii with new Mature games.

I'm really surprised with the decision of the company about porting this title to these two consoles, considering the previous game wasn't released on these ones.

May 10th, 2008, 01:23
YES!! I'm so glad they got treyarch back. The online for cod4 blowed butt for me but worked perfectly on cod3. I'm glad there going back to them. Plus when they switched companies last time there wasn't cod4 on the wii which was disapointing but cod3 was. Great choice in my oppinion.

May 10th, 2008, 12:49
if its on ds it should be on the psp cause need more fps's for psp

May 12th, 2008, 06:42
Is this real? Because if it is, that's great. I like how they're going back to World War 2, FINALLY leaving the Germans alone for a little while. Though it'd be a lot cooler if they would make a Call of Duty game where you could play as the "badguys" in single player, instead of being so one-sided.
I thought the multiplayer in CoD4 was super-awesome, but they need some vehicles and big levels that can fit them! It's too traditional and unvaried with its infantry-only business, and only one team being able to have their chopper out at a time was really annoying. Anywho, I want CoD5 to have some vehicles and more epic battles.
devdj, if you ever played CoD4 on the DS, it was much too cheap for the PSP and wouldn't be any fun thanks to no touchscreen. It was actually really impressive for a DS game, but on the PSP it's just lame so porting it over would be worse than leaving it alone. Though if they could port the REAL version, that'd be amazing! Seems like they could live to sacrifice all of the fancy graphics and physics for some PSP support.

May 12th, 2008, 23:04
Seems like they could live to sacrifice all of the fancy graphics and physics for some PSP support.
The PSP could EASILY do an enhanced PS2 port.

May 13th, 2008, 11:31
personally i think cod4 was awesome. i'm really getting sick of ww2 games. i think a futuristic-war game could have some great results.

May 13th, 2008, 12:20
YAY TO THAT! Bring on Call of Duty I cant get enough!