View Full Version : Nvidia questions the wisdom of an Apple TV purchase

September 14th, 2015, 20:17
Graphics expert Nvidia has via an (extremely polite yet also quite cutting) blog post questioned the gaming appeal of the new Apple TV box.
“If you’re already an Apple TV user, we don’t necessarily expect you to run out and buy the new Apple TV,” it said (http://shield.nvidia.com/blog/new-apple-tv-vs-shield). “While many of the features are impressive, the basic offerings may not justify the $200 price-tag over what you already own.
“There’s a more important question however. Do you really want to be locked into that walled garden?
“Deciding between Shield and the new Apple TV can be boiled down to one key question: Are you already deeply invested in one ecosystem over the other? If you already own an iPhone, Macbook, and an iPad you’re, probably a committed iOS user. But Android TV is inclusive and to that end, Shield also supports streaming from your current iOS devices.
“But what if your technological tendencies are less about adhering to one ecosystem over the other? Instead, you find yourself leaning toward the most powerful, capable, and flexible device available at the time? In that case you’ll definitely want to consider Shield.”
Nvidia even made an infographic and everything. Although it doesn’t mention Shield’s recent fire hazard recall scare (http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/nvidia-recalls-shield-tablet-over-battery-fire-hazard-worry/0153558).
It will be interesting to see how sales of the Nvidia Shield and Apple TV compare.
