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View Full Version : Joystiq talks to GameTrailers about GRID fiasco

May 12th, 2008, 23:40
Filed under: News (http://www.xbox360fanboy.com/category/news/)

http://www.blogsmithmedia.com/www.xbox360fanboy.com/media/2008/05/grid_crash_415.jpg (http://www.joystiq.com/2008/05/12/joystiq-interview-gametrailers-editor-in-chief-sets-record-stra/)

What fiasco, you ask? If you surfed GameTrailers over the weekend, it's possible you came across a (now pulled) video comparison (http://www.joystiq.com/2008/05/12/gametrailers-compares-ps3-grid-to-ps3-grid/) of the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of Race Driver GRID (http://www.xbox360fanboy.com/tag/grid). There were multiple segments edited together, some of them labeled as PS3 footage while others were labeled as 360 footage. The problem and, hence, fiasco surfaced when sharp-eyed viewers realized that all of the footage appearing in the video was from the Playstation 3 version. Adding fuel to the fire, many denizens of the net concluded that the video painted a better picture of the "Xbox 360" footage (though no specific declarations were actually made in the video).

Many shouted conspiracy, while more levelheaded viewers assumed it was simply a mistake. To find out exactly what happened, Joystiq went directly to the source, GameTrailers. The verdict, according to GT Editor in Chief Shane Satterfield: "It was a mistake in our post-production process." Head over to Joystiq for the full interview (http://www.joystiq.com/2008/05/12/joystiq-interview-gametrailers-editor-in-chief-sets-record-stra/), which includes an explanation of why GameTrailers is so teh bias.
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