View Full Version : Shenmue 3 may have to compromise visuals to become a better game

October 5th, 2015, 20:51
Developer Yu Suzuki has said that the game’s $6,333,295 Kickstarter total is not enough for him to do everything he wanted with Shenmue 3.
"I could do with a bit more money,” he told Eurogamer (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-10-04-i-could-do-with-a-bit-more-money-yu-suzuki-on-the-return-of-shenmue). “The game itself doesn't have to be gorgeous visually – a lot of the money these days goes into the graphics. If we perhaps compromise on the graphics and put more into the story, we can make a good game. The most important thing, to me, is that the game's interesting, and that it's something people want to play."
Prior to the completion of the game’s Kickstarter, Suzuki suggested that $10m was the number (http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/shenmue-3-could-hit-extra-platforms-suzuki-says-10m-would-deliver-open-world/0151531) he thought would allow him to achieve his vision. While the crowdfunding drive fell short of this, however, it has become clear that the game is also receiving investment from elsewhere (http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/suzuki-tries-to-clarify-shenmue-3-funding-concerns/0151714), although the specifics of this remain vague.
One thing we do now know is that Sony is, as has been previously suggested (http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/sony-is-helping-develop-shenmue-3-says-title-was-most-requested-third-party-game/0151374), contributing to the game financially.
"Kickstarter's not the only source of money. There's also funding from Sony and Shibuya Productions,” Suzuki added. “Before we started Kickstarter, we had goals set around the budget – so if we only got $6m, we'd create Shenmue 3 based upon what we could do with that $6m.
“We're still trying to gather funds. Obviously, the more money we have the more we can do. Even if we don't get as much budget as the previous games, we'll still make this game."
Indeed, last month Ys Net launched a second crowdfunding drive (http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/yes-shenmue-3-wants-even-more-crowdfunding-money/0156018) for the game directly via PayPal. Shenmue 3 still has a Christmas 2017 release date.
