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View Full Version : UK mem cards cheaper?

September 26th, 2005, 17:53
Im in the USA and Ive noticed on a certain site (i dont think Im allowed to say which) that sandisk memory stick pro duos are a LOT cheaper when u purchase them from the UK., so:

-can u use a UK mem stick pro duo on a USA PSP?

if so, the cost of postage would be more than compensated for by the much cheaper price! it would be a great deal! I wonder why they are so much cheaper, i mean its an amazing bargain! If these can be used in my american PSP, i think i will go that route and by one from the UK

does anyone have any info on this?


September 26th, 2005, 18:06
ok after closer inspection, now I see that it seems these people, while they do seem to sell these at a much cheaper price, are in fact BALLOONing the shipping cost to make up for it. What a cheap trick :mad:

it still might come out a few bucks cheaper but thats still not very nice

sorry if i got everyone's hopes up

September 26th, 2005, 22:03
I very much doubt you can get any electrical product cheeper here in the UK than in the states.