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View Full Version : 'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live

May 15th, 2008, 00:10
Reader Grant says that his gamer tag "theGAYERgamer" was recently banned by Xbox Live. He hoped that a call to customer support would sort things out but all he received was a confusing explanation from an Xbox Live supervisor. According to the supervisor, it wasn't that she found the name offensive, but it was the "greater Xbox community" that found it offensive.

We think you deserve a better explanation than this. Despite what this Xbox Live CSR told you, we're not convinced that it's the "greater Xbox community's" job to classify offensive material. At best it sounds like this "supervisor" was trying to pass the buck. At worst, it's downright homophobic discrimination. Would "theHETEROgamer" also be banned?


May 15th, 2008, 00:13
I don't see what's wrong with using any username. If they don't like certain words, they should not allow these certain words before registering.

May 15th, 2008, 07:49
So he's a "happy" gamer, so what? Big deal!

I guess it's an MS "fear" of those "bible bashing hicks" of outback USA. They could be they only ones I can think of that could get offended by this tag.

May 15th, 2008, 13:04
God i hate xbox live everybody who goes on it are w**kers i usually end up leaving my headset off. And yeah it shouldnt be the job of anybody else but an xbox live official to ban a person.

May 15th, 2008, 13:41
Yet another Problem involving Xbox, what a suprise! The customer service lines are utterly useless, I had to deal with them several times to resolve certain faults in my peice of crap console..they are patranising and frankly useless. But funnily enough Sony is helpful and understanding, is this their lack of complaints or Microsofts lazyness??? I DON'T SEE HOW THAT NAME IS OFFENSIVE COMPARED TO OTHER USERNAMES I HAVE COME ACROSS THAT SEAMED TO ME RATHER RACIALIST...something to think about.

May 15th, 2008, 22:02
yeah Ive come across quite a few worse ones. I recall '******Basher' and the like but he hasnt been banned the other people are no less racist, the people on their are pretty homophoebic, usually because their extreme denial of being heterophoebic. They fear women because they dont get out enough and have probably never spoken to one and if they did they would probably scare one away. So to you haters out there stop being homophoebic and accept you like genitalia of the same sex or prove me wrong by going out and getting a girlfriend.

May 16th, 2008, 12:14
nice one! to last comment..totally agree.. I believe some people really need to get a grip on life and microsoft need to get their arses in to gear!