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View Full Version : Five things PlayStation Network must address to remain relevant

May 15th, 2008, 12:40
Filed under: PlayStation Store (http://www.ps3fanboy.com/category/playstation-store/), PlayStation Network (http://www.ps3fanboy.com/category/psn/), News (http://www.ps3fanboy.com/category/news/)
http://www.blogsmithmedia.com/www.ps3fanboy.com/media/2008/05/8628e_2376548231_e0e3384485.jpg (http://blogcritics.org/archives/2008/05/14/1754134.php)There's an interesting article over at BlogCritics (http://blogcritics.org/archives/2008/05/14/175413.php) -- they recently did a similar post on the Xbox Live service, so it's not like they're being one-sided. Basically, what are the five things the PSN has to address to remain relevant? We'll list their ideas below, but if you want to read more, check out their site. It's a pretty good read.

More content -- both original and classic titles: basically, more PSN releases and definitely start beefing up the PS One collection in stores outside of Japan.
Unified updates and stop delaying releases: The Japan PS Store, US PS Store, and EU PS Store all update at different times with different content. It's weird. Delaying releases (new Rock Band tracks released on a Tuesday, but aren't available on the PSN until Thursday) is also an irritation to be fixed.
Release Home: this is pretty self-explanatory. Home needs to release -- with it will be trophies, accomplishments, in-game XMB (allegedly), and launching games via Home. Releasing it would be nice, but we have to wait a bit longer.
Video and music should be here by now: Sony has its paws in tons of music and movie studios. Why is it taking so long to create and release video and music on the PS Store? It should come and soon, but who knows.
In-Game XMB: You know everything they have to say about this feature, probably. It's been cried for since the console's launch. It'll happen eventually. But it should've happened long ago. Of course, our explanations of the choices aren't the same as those used by BlogCritics -- they go much more in-depth with their reasoning. It's a cool read and their choices aren't bad or too demanding at all. What do you guys think? What would you add to the PlayStation Network, given the chance?
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