View Full Version : Inferno os on raspberry pi

November 23rd, 2015, 20:58
Unix isn’t the only operating system that came out of Bell Labs. In an effort to decouple hardware from user interfaces over a network, Bell also developed an OS named Plan 9 (named after the famously bad Ed Wood movie). While Plan 9 is still in use, it never got the momentum that Unix did. In 1996, Bell Labs (now AT&T) decided to shift its focus to Inferno, an operating system that was meant to challenge Java as a cross-platform virtual machine environment. Now LynxLine Labs has ported Inferno to the Raspberry Pi (http://lynxline.com/projects/labs-portintg-inferno-os-to-raspberry-pi/).
Not only did they do the work, they documented it in 26 labs if you want to follow along. Or, you can just head over to the project page (https://bitbucket.org/infpi/inferno-rpi) and get the results along with updates (judging from the commit log, the project is under active development).
