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View Full Version : First playable PSP v2.00 TIF Pong

September 27th, 2005, 06:50
Sousuke (http://rapidshare.de/files/5573110/psp01.tif.html) has released the first playable game for PSP firmware V2.0, heres what he says:

1.) download the file (psp01.tif)
2.) put it in the PHOTO folder (you just need this one file - no background - nothing else).
3.) start it by pressing X on US PSPs (O on JP PSPs) on the PHOTO icon. Don't press Start or slideshow (It will just freeze and shutdown).
4.) if you want to shutdown, you have to hold the power switch for ~10 seconds (you don't have to take the battery out).

September 27th, 2005, 10:22
IT WORKS, but i had to scrol to this file SLOWLY and then TAKE OUT BATTERY to finish it :)

BUT IT WORKS! ty all hackers! now go and make some nice emulators ^^

September 27th, 2005, 11:32
Yes it does work, but the second time i had to take out the battery.

September 27th, 2005, 12:36
Great! Now we know that user input can be used in the exploit.

I wonder if the 64k binary will be enough for someone to get an eboot.pbp to run, or if the exploit will even allow that to happen. Hopefully it works, and we could just load up the new File Assistant, as it will run eboot files without going back to the white psp flash screen.

The only thing is, this seems to shut down the menu, which is always running in the background, it seems because of the way the home button works. I could be wrong. perhaps this could be used to run the firmware emulator. Go to photos, and 1.5 loads up! Then the people crying about not being able to view their photos anymore can just view them through the 1.5 firmware.

September 27th, 2005, 17:27
nice one! woo hoo! :o) thank you wraggster and sousuke!

September 27th, 2005, 17:42
anyone post a screenshot i dont own a v2.0 psp

September 27th, 2005, 17:45
k i will when i get home

September 27th, 2005, 18:23

September 27th, 2005, 18:39
Now all we have to do is get a eboot loader and we're all set. Seems like things will work out well once a decent OS comes out that allows you to run homebrew then exit it back to the OS screen. Then we can use this hack to just load up an OS such as Psix.

Dunno if I'll upgrade though. I like my 1.5 and I'm DEFINATELY not upgrading unless there is substantial proof that I can run all my 1.5 homebrew easily, not to mention I don't like the having to do it from the photo section thing.