View Full Version : Oculus Founder Says Rift Can Match Valve's 'Room-Scale' VR

December 16th, 2015, 22:09
Valve and HTC have touted 'room-scale' VR -- a large tracking volume for virtual reality experiences -- as a major advantage of SteamVR and the Vive headset. But Oculus says that their choice to focus on seated and standing VR experiences in smaller spaces is one of practicality, not technological limitations (http://www.roadtovr.com/oculus-rift-touch-room-scale-vr-palmer-luckey-works-fine/). To hush the haters, Oculus founder Palmer Luckey says he arranged the Rift tracking sensors in the same orientation of Valve's 'Lighthouse' trackers and concluded that tracking in a ~15x11 space 'works fine.'
