View Full Version : Pi zero video card via bare metal programming

January 18th, 2016, 21:13
Rolling your own synthesizer is no small feat, which is what [Thomas] has taken on with his project “Nerdsynth”. [Thomas] has an impressive amount of data on his site covering the overall design and progress of the project, but that isn’t what piqued our interest. [Thomas] has an on-board TFT display to navigate the versatile Nerdsynth’s menu https://hackadaycom.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/nerdsynth-sketch.png?w=358&h=251 (https://hackadaycom.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/nerdsynth-sketch.png)but he wanted to add video output to do some video sequencing. After some investigation and poking around the available options he decided to tackle yet another sub-project (textbook scope-creep).
[Thomas] chose to do to some bare metal programming on the Pi Zero to use it as a video card (http://nerdsynth.com/devblog/2016/01/13/researching-for-video-output/)for video output. By following a tutorial from Valvers (http://www.valvers.com/open-software/raspberry-pi/step01-bare-metal-programming-in-cpt1/)and modifying an SPI driver from Microelecroniki (https://microeletroniki.wordpress.com/2012/09/26/raspberry-pi-bare-metal-programming-spi-interface/) he was able to clone the video on an external monitor. This is a step in the right direction and we’ll have to keep an eye on his site for updates about video sequencing on the external display.
