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View Full Version : GUIDE: PSPersonalize Installation and User Guide

September 29th, 2005, 15:14
With all the new 2.0 to 1.50 converters here, I'm sure they may still want to use their custom backgrounds. I've put together this tutorial for using PSPersonalize. PSPersonalize allows you to replace any of the months background files with your own. Once again, I will not provide any download links. This guide follows what you'll need to do with a pre-converted PSPersonalize package.

PSPersonalize v1.0 Installation and User Guide

First you'll need to have a few things ready to go:

background files
USB cable for the PSP
PC (personal computer)
SeiPSPTool (for hiding corrupt data icon)

Section 1: Bitmap Requirements

Your bitmap files must meet the following requirements:
300 x 170 in size
24bit Windows Bitmap (.bmp format)
150kb or less (a 24bit windows bitmap at 300 x 170 will be 149KB)
Files must be named for the month they are replacing. i.e. 01.BMP (Jan) 02.BMP (Feb) etc.

Section 2: PSPersonalize Installation

Download the file linked to above in alexs' first post. Unzip the contents onto your PC. (alternatively you can unzip them straight to the PSP)
Connect your PSP to your PC and put your PSP into USB Mode.
Drag and drop the two folders into F:/PSP/GAME/...
So your new file structure should look like this:


/!\ NOTE: You need to substitute your PSP drive letter above /!\

We are now going to keep our PSP in USB mode and startup SeiPSPTool. Click on the Corrupted Icons option on the left. Your PSP drive letter should be showing already. Next type in the name PSPersonalize, and click on the RENAME button. SeiPSPTool will pop up a box telling you the folders have been renamed.

We are done installing PSPersonalize.


With your PSP still in USB mode, copy/paste your background file into the ROOT drive of your PSP. This means in F:/ where F: is your PSP drive letter. The background file must NOT be placed into any folder. PSPersonalize will not recognize them.

You can replace all 12 backgrounds at once, or do them one at a time. I suggest doing only one at a time to show how the process works.

After you have placed your 01.BMP file, or whatever month your are replacing, you can exit USB mode and disconnect the USB cable.


Scroll over to your GAME section of the PSP shell, and scroll down to your Memory Stick. Press X. You'll see your PSPersonalize icon, highlight it, and press X. Once the program launches, it will ask you to confirm the flashing of your background. Read the text carefully to make sure the file name is correct, and its the file you wanted to use. If so, press O. If you've put more than one background on your PSP at a time, you'll have to confirm this for each background file.

After you've done that, you'll see FINISHED being displayed. At this point, you do NOT have to turn off your PSP. Just press HOME and quit back to the PSP shell. IF your background isnt being displayed, go to your Date and Time and select the month you changed and press X twice. The first time, you'll get a white screen, the second time will load the background. The reason it does this is because the PSP can only hold one background at a time. The white screen means it has unloaded the current background. This only happens when you manually replace the background. It switches normally when the month changes.


Well, you should be happy that you have your custom wallpaper/background displayed. Have fun with it, but please remember that you do this AT YOUR OWN RISK


If your PSP says finished, but there isnt a new background installed do the following:

Make sure your file is the right size. Remember 300 x 170 is the max size.
Make sure that your file isnt bigger than 150KB. Remember, a 24bit windows bitmap file @ 300 x 170 should be a max of 149KB.
Make sure the file is a 24bit Windows Bitmap.

Make sure you didnt name the file 01.bmp.bmp. You can check this by viewing extensions of known filetypes. Go into the Windows Explorer (not internet explorer) and click on TOOLS > Folder Options, and click on the VIEW tab.

Scroll down to the box that has "Hide extensions for known file types" and make sure it is unchecked. Now view the filename of your background. If it has 01.bmp.bmp , just erase one of the .bmp extensions.