View Full Version : Psx Ds

King DS
September 29th, 2005, 17:23
Whats the chance of that happening? ive come up with ideas how i might...

All the buttons are the same, L2 + R2 can be pressed by touching the left and right side of the screen. might be tricky at first but worth a look into.

Atari Jag-
This is Simple, ABY can be ABC and the keypad can be placed on the touch screen, you just gota learn to hold the stylus between your fingures while playing for when you need to do something on the touch screen.

Well thats just plain simple, it has a touch screen, 4 face buttons and shoulder buttons (I think) so that wont be to hard will it?

thats simple aswell. so simple infact i wont explain, except that you can spread the picture over both screens to make up for the crappy screen.

i dunno what the buttons are but im sure its gona be like the Zodiac

so what do you think? possible? i recon at least the jag can be.. Uber Easy.. but i dont know what it involves. the others are pretty basic aswell. except the whole CD thing with the PS. but im sure that can be sorted with some kinda Rom ripping software using the PS disks and converting them in some DS converter program. and if you need to press both L2+R2 then there would be a middle button.

So whats the Thoughts?

King DS
September 30th, 2005, 12:04
How About a PSP Thing? im sure thers one way around the meaninglessly high graphics, got that same buttons hasnt it? it would probly make more PSP fanboys buy DS'S, so they can play PSP games without the Battery Dieing after 2 Mins.

also what about things like the Satern? no chance in a DC one. anyone? does anyone know what the chances are of any of the about happening?

if not then tell me how i can the whole Free Dev kit like they got on DS Linux and ill TRY and do it myself, i already know i probly can do the Zodiac and Tapwave.

King DS
September 30th, 2005, 12:06

Zodiac and Tapwave are the Samething!!!
its Zodiac.. made by Tapwave... i sure hope im right :D

Gizmondo? what about that? could be done, DS Linux is being made, why not some kinda GizmonDS or something, even though it has a crap games lineup, but then again so has the PSP :p but i still recon it should be ported, only reason i say that is coz Infected, it looks crap but its a zombie game so IM IN!!!

Cap'n 1time
September 30th, 2005, 15:34
are you asking if some of these systems could be emulated on DS?
PSX- not a chance
Jaguar- Too complexed... not a chance
Zodiac- no emulator exists.. but judging by the specs not a chance
Ngage- not a chance
tapwave- no emulator? not a chance gudging by specs.

October 1st, 2005, 08:31
Sorry to dissapoint you but...The psx was hardly a powerhouse of a machine, I can remember emulating it on an OLD pc that was bought in 1998, I know it might not be a possibility to emulate it just yet, but the DS has enough monkeys under the hood to run an old ps1 VERY VERY easily

October 1st, 2005, 09:26
Sorry to dissapoint you but...The psx was hardly a powerhouse of a machine, I can remember emulating it on an OLD pc that was bought in 1998, I know it might not be a possibility to emulate it just yet, but the DS has enough monkeys under the hood to run an old ps1 VERY VERY easily

Indeed. In fact, aren't they porting Resident Evil 1 onto the DS?

But the main reason that a PSx would be hard to port is not the graphics, but the code.

October 1st, 2005, 17:44
Very true, the code for psx is notoriously difficult to use, many developers (capcom et al) always complained that it cost a hell of a lot of man hours to achieve anything on either Sony machines.

King DS
October 3rd, 2005, 09:43
hmmm... to much work for the PSX then... what about the others, surely the Jag can be done? and the zodiac, it had duke nukem on it, can we just port that? :D and why not N-Gage? its no way more powerfull, it must be possible

October 4th, 2005, 23:35
The Zodiac has a much higher screen res than the DS which would make some things look awkward. And the Zodiac has to be more powerful than the DS... Plus most of my favorite games I play on my Zod are ports why not just port them to DS (zQuake :D)

King DS
October 5th, 2005, 13:05
that would be sweet, and probly run better if you use the metriod controls. im just preying that someone does a Duke nukem 3D port, with Build and User Map Support... that would be sweet :D

October 5th, 2005, 14:43
you really cant be serious in believing that any of those consoles can be emulated on ds. firstly like it or loathe it the psp is much more powerful than the ds and before you think I am a sony fanboy or something it should be noted that I own and love both.
emulating a mips r4000 at 333mhz on a couple of low clocked arm cpu's is laughable.
as for the jaguar well on the pc jag emulation requires around 2ghz of proccessing power to run full speed.
and well the sony playstation. lets see now. the psx if memory serves me right was capable of around 200 000 realtime polygons per second and the ds is only capable of around 120 000. in comparisson the psp is estimated at around 12 000 000 and xbox around 75 000 000.
also the ds only has 656k of video ram while the psx had a full megabyte.

sorry to burst your bubble but 1timeuser was correct.

maybe you could hope for a decent nes emu on the ds one day as I doubt you will be seeing much more than that emulated.

King DS
October 5th, 2005, 15:57
i got a jag, its wicked :D as for psp and psx emu on ds... mer, oh well, i kinda knew that for the psp, just thought the psx would be possible.

anyway, lets just PREY that duke nukem 3d makes it. hexen heritic and doom have/ are being ported, so duke3d with user map/ mod suport would be the dogs bollocks. i would LOVE to play my own episodes on the bus and if permited pass on my maps to other people via the Wi-fi.

maybe DSLinux would open the door for so much more porting. and handheld web on the DS. saving small homebrews onto your sd card.

hmmm... not long now!!! :D

October 6th, 2005, 06:59
your right the jag was fun. maybe someone could whip up a homebrew version of tempest 2000 for the ds. imagine that with the touchscreen, it would give a new element to the already awesome game.

October 6th, 2005, 10:24
King, you can't be serious, i love my DS but i know that it's not powerful enough to emulate any of those well enough to make it make worthwhile.

Also, do you not realise how much work is required? you think the main problem is where the buttons go? lol.

Maybe you're aiming a bit high :p

Cap'n 1time
October 6th, 2005, 20:37
some of you just arnt realising how difficult it is.. It takes MULTIPLE times more power to emulate a system. and someone mentioned surely jaguar could be done.. Jaguar is such a complicated machine that no emulator is even close to emulating it completely, and especially not without a gigahertz machine.

Next thing is.. your not using your Intel or Athalon mainstream processor's in these... these machines work completely differant from whatever your sitting at right now. The xbox is a bad example because it used a Celeron processor. Actually an Xbox is just an old computer with 64 megs of crappy memory and everything onboard.

PSX will never make its way as a playable emulator to the DS.
Neither will many of the other systems because of their complicated mechanics or just the lack of an emulator to port.

I doubt that the DS can actually software emulate a GBA- which dosnt actually tell you much... But its just another point.

The GBA is not emulated on a DS. The DS actually has two machines inside it in a sence.

October 7th, 2005, 12:37
the jag emulation really does take about a two gig machine to run full speed. trust me I know.
the xbox was used as an example of how different all these machines really are.
I think you may be slightly misinformed with the xbox being stock standard though as by that logic a gamecube is nothing more than a underpowered apple g4.
all consoles are different though and I have had to explain why system x connot be emulated on system y too many times now on various boards.
ultimately a souped up pc will always give you the best experience with emulation.
if anyone has any other queeries I have made a topic on the psp board to deal with this.


October 8th, 2005, 11:30
Lets all be honest here, I'm sitting here with my PSP and erm...well the emulators on it are pretty much unfinished, my snes and nes ones are buggy as hell, my c64 one crashes all the time, so...where do we go with the DS???

King DS
October 10th, 2005, 14:16
well the DS is still young, as soon as we realise that im talking total nonsense about all the emulators the faster we can move on a do something. im sure LOADS more emulators will pop up and the DS will be the choice for mobile Homebrew, unless you can be botherd to get a GP32. i know im not :D

and tempest 2000 DS would Rock! maybe even better if we get something like Hover Strike and Synicate! man i love them games, i still play them now! i think the best item was the replicator. stick a man in a car with the replicaor as there weapon and you soon get a HUGE mob of people in your mod. the best ones are the cops coz they... have guns... as you can guess and they help you out.

but still... Ngage DS??

or atleast SOMEONE do a Duke nukem 3D Port!!!

October 10th, 2005, 15:09
Lets all be honest here, I'm sitting here with my PSP and erm...well the emulators on it are pretty much unfinished, my snes and nes ones are buggy as hell, my c64 one crashes all the time, so...where do we go with the DS???

that's less a power and issue and more to do with the fact that the psp is a new piece of hardware for devvers to get to grips with. Both the DS and PSP scenes are in thier infancy compared to the XBox/DC/GP32 scenes for example. It takes time for these emulators to go through speed tweaks, improvements and hardware specific enhancements. Give it some time.

King DS
October 11th, 2005, 10:36
how do the DS ones run? i havent been able to try it yet. but i plan on getting this
is it worth it or is there a better one on there?

King DS
October 11th, 2005, 11:01

whats the chance of all these games graceing the Touch Screen Wonder?