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View Full Version : Shane Kim: First console to 100 million wins

May 21st, 2008, 23:51
Microsoft's Shane Kim now sees the end to the console war as a new magic number: first system to 100 million units sold wins, he tells Wired. That's an increase of 90 million over the 10 million mark Microsoft used to promote as the bellwether of victory. Kim believes consumers are still deciding what system to choose and that this console generation is different from the others. (Yeah, it's the first time Microsoft actually has a chance.)

Kim explains that Sony won the last couple generations, but Nintendo is clearly in first place this time around; however, he wonders if Nintendo can keep that momentum going up to 100 million (at Nintendo's rate of supply, it could take decades). He even questions it there'll be a clear-cut winner this generation. Finally, Kim assures that the Microsoft hardware guys are still working on reducing the cost of Xbox 360, in order to hit that "mass market" price point.


May 22nd, 2008, 01:28
100 million!?

May 22nd, 2008, 08:30
100 million!?

ps2 shipped about 120mil units to date
and still selling :p

obliviously they are trying to break that record for greatest selling system of all time

360 sales are droping
wii and ps3 sales are increasing
but the ps3 might just come out on top if nintendo doesnt get some actually good third party stuff and stop letting disney and nickelodeon put some of the wost games ever made onto their system

May 22nd, 2008, 10:58
TBH trying to come with the numbers is stupid, for all we know all consoles could sell way more than that (unlikely, but still posssible) we all know a winner can only be declared when two of the consoles are "out", MS is pointlessly just trying to guess the number of sales it will take one console for this to happen.

May 22nd, 2008, 12:24
Nintendo is going to win this one. :)

mr game porter
May 22nd, 2008, 14:54
The wii will never reach 100 mil. Only the 360 and ps3 have a chance and I'd bet on the ps3.

haha? that's just plain insane. Nintendo has a wider market. they are not only focusing on the "hardcore" gamers, but also the parents. i bet you 5 bucks that nintendo is going to reach it first.

May 22nd, 2008, 16:19
yeah, nintendo will win this one, just wait and see...

see! i told you!:p
they've already won!:D

May 22nd, 2008, 21:47
ai, another post spurring console wars on. 100 million units is a long ways away for all of the consoles at the moment.

i seriously doubt that any console will reach up that high, seeing how the ps2 and the gamecube had the seniority of the ps1 and the n64 to boost their sales, and take away from the newly introduced xbox. But now, there are actually three well established console-making companies compared to simply two; unless people are going to dish out tons of dough for multiple systems, that 100million won't happen for a bit =P

May 23rd, 2008, 15:16
The wii will never reach 100 mil. Only the 360 and ps3 have a chance and I'd bet on the ps3.

I kind of agree

my wii sits and collects dust

May 23rd, 2008, 20:00
I kind of agree

my wii sits and collects dust

That's too bad. Many peeps still looking to buy in my area but everyone's out all the time around here. I'm sure if you area is like that, maybe sell it?

Personally I was already in the mind set when I bought mine that I was basically buying a GameCube with a very cool remote. As such I think I enjoy it more. I know my kids and their friends do as well. I also know my 12 year old yearns for Halo and games like that when he plays at his buddies homes. Twilight Hack is fun as well. :)

We'll surely get an Xbox 360 later this year. I doubt we'll bother with the PS3. I've just not seen anything that had myself dying to get one off hand.

Lastly, I hate the numbers games people from "gaming review" sites or other gaming related companies try to make us all think is the final word. I say whatever floats your boat is the right choice. Look at places like IGN for instance, I don't know how often then rate a game good or bad and the reader rating is either polar opposite or much further off the mark one way or another. Just points to if I like something it doesn't mean you will or vice versa. ;)