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View Full Version : New referral twist

September 30th, 2005, 08:30
Just wondering if it might be acceptable if anyone would want to do one of these freeiPod referral things for me? I only need 3 more and figure that some might want to do this like some form of 'devver donation' ?

This is my referral link: http://ipods.freepay.com/?r=9792186 If I get 3 then I'll remove it so that there aren't more than needed.

thanks all.

September 30th, 2005, 18:49
depends, would i have to spend any money?
if not, i'll do it for you

September 30th, 2005, 18:57
yea, currently the cheapest one is 99c. no matter what it requires a credit card. I've had people ask me if i accept donations before, and i figure a 99c expense on this will go a lot farther than even 50$ paypal.

if anyone thinks this is morally questionable, i'll take it down.

September 30th, 2005, 19:04
ah, don't have a credit card, can't help you sorry

October 1st, 2005, 00:46
me neither, i could send a money order of like 5 bucks tho, i'm like hella low budget right now, but since you did such a nice job at the beta of the tg16 emu, and your other etra-ordinary woyk (i haven't got any neogeocd games i got the old--- ----*#@$%^* clunky expensive cart arcadeEnertainmentSyetem dealy from da urrrly 90's *controller broke*) i will try my damndest to send you the cash tho if you say the word.
pm me.

October 1st, 2005, 01:08
It's not a matter of cash, i just figured since this is such as easy way to give so much more with just 99c, that it would be worthwhile to throw out there as an idea.

I've always declined donations before because i don't really believe in it, i don't think i deserve money for what i do, but i figured people wouldn't mind the whole signing up cancelling service thing.

October 1st, 2005, 13:16
Quzar, I'd give you $20 or all the referals for "free ipods" you want if you'd get your port of DC Hugo playing real CD, SCD, and ACD games with good speed and sound with a decent GUI. :rolleyes: :D

October 1st, 2005, 19:56
i can send 5 in a money order, and more in da future if the tg16 emu gets more kick.

October 2nd, 2005, 23:17
He doesn't want donations, just someone to sign up. Would glady do it quzar, but dont have me own credit card mate!

October 3rd, 2005, 03:16
okay, cool.
no plastic, darnitall.

October 3rd, 2005, 03:59
for thoughs of you in the US you can go to your nearest simon's mall and buy a simons visa giftcard, works just like a real credit visa, i use them to buy online all the time(if my indentity gets stolen, at most they get whats on the card) ;)