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View Full Version : Mame 4 all settings? Is new versions still coming?

May 23rd, 2008, 21:35
Firstly, is this still being developed, are new versions coming? Which is the latest version?

secondly, if a game runs bad, which settings do what?
I understand that frameskip can make slow games go faster, but what does video and sound percentage do?


July 10th, 2008, 00:03
video and sound percentage makes the processor's core works slower, so it can make the game works faster...or slower. Let's see, sometimes a game don't use the cpu at his max power, so if you make a cpu core work at fullspeed, you are wasting processing time. You know that the Dreamcast has limited resources, so you can't overhead the CPU with this things, maybe you can in your desktop PC. That's why this options are there, just play with them, some games can work better, others can be slower, others can crash...

About the development of MAME4ALL, well, i think that CHUI is concentrated with another project (allegro maybe?), but i know that there's a MAME4ALL 1.0 for GP2X, based in a newer MAME (the lastest dc version is based in 0.34 with some new games added).

July 28th, 2008, 05:04

You were earlier working on merging some of the new drivers from a more recent version of MAME. Did that wind up panning out? I'm specifically interested in The Simpsons Arcade Game. Any ideas?


August 13th, 2008, 13:37
yes, you are correct, i was trying that and got some interesting results, games like airbustr works good and some others...don't. I have worked with simpsons and xmen, but can't get them work. I think that the most interesting option is port the lastest gp2x port that is based on a more new mame, adding drivers to mame4all is a little tricky and some code are just completely different to get *new* games working.

May 30th, 2009, 08:46
This emulator is long dead. You are better off getting MAME for your PC and do it that way. Chui, is no longer working on emulators for DC. No one seems to care now. Just stick with your PC instead of waiting on emulators that will never come.

June 23rd, 2009, 04:38
Yes I'm hoping that if Chui does indeed spend any time coding for the DC, it'll be to help Fox68k release his Genesis emulator. It looked really promising.

There was an emulator release that supported the Simpsons arcade game. See below for info.

Simpsons/Vendetta Pack- These games are running between 70-100% speed. With what I can do, it's as good as it gets. This is not an SGA (single game arcade) release.

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