View Full Version : SBI issues w/ SMSPlus 2b and Super Mario War

September 30th, 2005, 18:06
Problem #1

I noticed that SMSplusDC 2b will not load any of the screenshots when it it made into an sbi.

I burnt the game fine on it's own with selfboot.exe

When I created an sbi, I put all the folders into the emu directory of the sbi.

Now when I run the emu, it goes to the root folder of the disc. From there I have to select through a bunch of folders until I find the roms, but screenshots are nowhere to be found.

Do the gg sms and snap folders all have to go in he root folder when creating the sbi of smsplus?

Problem #2

I noticed that there is no sbi of GPF's port of Super Mario War. Haven't been able to build a successful .sbi of this game. I put all the folders as well as the mapeditor file in the games folder, yet the game never loads and my dc resets.

odd stuff



October 1st, 2005, 10:58
ad.2. try descramble bin firts :)

October 2nd, 2005, 14:18
ad.2. try descramble bin firts :)

I always descramble the bins. that's not the problem.