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View Full Version : IF Games Like GTA is on a non Homebrew Firmware Will You Upgrade?

October 1st, 2005, 00:37
Quick question to those who downgraded, would you sacrifice the ability to play Homebrew and emulators and play games like the Grand Theft Auto game if they made you install a non Homebrew firmware.

Sony you can be sure are working to cover the holes in their firmware to stop exploits and it wouldnt be unheard of for a company like them to trace the hackers and pay the hackers to find aany exploits and fix them.

To answer my own question above, i think the time has come for me to buy a US PSP as thats the area with the UMD Movies i most want to watch.

October 1st, 2005, 00:53
nope. at least not for a very long while. i will let the hackers come up with a new work arround.

that is, of course, if we are talkign about 2.01

2.0 is now irrelivant

October 1st, 2005, 00:54
you say that but if a killer game came out it would be hard not to :)

October 1st, 2005, 00:55
well gta is pretty killer. it would be hard to resist, but its a real serious step to take upgrading to >2

the decision would not be made lightly

October 1st, 2005, 00:57
i would never upgrade my v1.0 and ill buy a new psp just to play games on, thats probaly what most who can afford it will do

October 1st, 2005, 01:23
not all ppl can buy 2 psp but maybe the solution can be a firmware like 1.5 modified that can "tell" to the upgrader game that is already on a higer version, i mean 4 example a 1.5 version that says that is 2.x so when a game try to upgrade it it will (maybe) notice that is already a higer version.... could that work? dont think ya?

October 1st, 2005, 01:31
No, not at first. I still am backed up a few games on the PSP, plus Shadow Of The Collossus is coming out for PS2 in a couple of weeks and that should keep me busy for a while.

I'll watch and see if A) What the reviews on the game are. It could stink. and B) See if someone comes up with a version changer for 2.1

I will want to play it at some point (being a big fan of GTAIII and Vice City).

October 1st, 2005, 01:31
Ya know, I was waiting eagerly for GTA, but I probably won't upgrade for it. If I wait long enogh the new 2.x will end up cracked and then I'll run it. Or the WAB upgrader wit be updated. I'm enjoying homebrew WAY to much to upgrade. And not just the games either. VNC emulation, Internet radio, assorted Video file formats, FTP demon. The list goes on.

The funny thing is I don't run loaders. I don't own a single piece of pirated software for the PSP. I have a dsiposable income and buy the games I like on the UMDs. I DO believe Sony screwed up with UMD movies, but that's another can of worms. Remember Mini-disks and Betamax...LOL If Sony got their collective heads out of their asses, they would stop wasting time on trying to block homebrew applications and support the community and garner a huge helping of goodwill towards themselves.

Oh, and for the record, i believe that GTA will NOT be 2.x on release. That will just hurt the sales for both Sony AND Rockstar. I know that if I was releasing a game that I spent millions on developing and the hardware vendor told me that they are making it so that only a limited number of units can run it, I would have a major fit. This WILL limit sales of a killer app.

As hundreds if not thousands of people have downgraded back to 1.5 and can just use the WAB changer to simulate 2.0, releasing GTA as 2.X could well be financial suicide.


October 1st, 2005, 01:46
Nope! It's just not my kind of game. I never really liked the series that much. I thought 1 and 2 were alright and I loved the fact that it went all 3rd person perspective. I played it and just couldn't get into it. I've always been more of an importer playing shootmups, rpg's, and other action games. Now if it was Ys VI Ark of Napishtim and Popolocris, or a Treasure game (hopefully they'll start doing psp games) then maybe if there's no other way around it. I can always play my emulators on my pc to sacrifice for "finally" some really good psp games. I'm not saying GTA is a bad game just not for me.

October 1st, 2005, 02:07
ill just run gta off the memory stick no update needed to run games off the memory stick plus the load times are much better im not saying ill run a bootleg copy i have already paid for my gta i run all my games off the ms they just play better off it. the umd drive sucks too slow

October 1st, 2005, 02:22
Tron_Fan No, not at first. I still am backed up a few games on the PSP, plus Shadow Of The Collossus is coming out for PS2 in a couple of weeks and that should keep me busy for a while.

Heck yes!

played the demo and I OWNED it and Ico. :D Can't wait for S.O.T.C.

October 1st, 2005, 02:23
it'd be hard to resist, but i think i'd prefer to keep my options open, and let the hackers catch up

October 1st, 2005, 02:42
I have 2 psp's and there both set to say 2.00 due to the WAB version changer i will try to play games and stuff on the psp that i used the donwgradr on becuase it was a 2.0 because the other psp had so many settings i was to lazy to add on again and backgrounds from psp persoanlize stored. . .anyway i'll try the trick with the firmwares and if it doesnt work than i'll still have one 1.5 so what? i'll be able to play cool games and keep my homebrew FOREVER! I'm sure this new mysterious firmware wont be soooooooo hard to crack as seeing as we AL thought 2.00 wouldnt get cracked for the most part, and look what happened people!?

Sony can suck it! there being stupid.

October 1st, 2005, 03:13
well if GTA is 2.0 then of course theres the v3rsi0n ch@ng3r..
if the game was on something higher than 2.0 then we could wait for those brilliant minds to do their thing and get hb and ems to work on the new os..

If I did have the luck to get a windfall, maybe I'd buy a new psp. low income as it is, its such a brilliant little mechanism it would be idealistic to have one for HB and ems, and the other for strictly commercial stuff like umd games and films! :D

October 1st, 2005, 03:23
Here's a question... what if too many people wait for a 2.xx hack to buy GTA: LCS...?

Wouldn't that hurt their sells? Why would they want to do that to themselves?

What really sucks for me is that I got a Japan White PSP in the mist of all of this... I wasn't thinking about the fact that I can't play my Kill Bill vol 2. umd movie on it.

Unless there is some region hack... which I don't know about.

I've got 2 PSP's now and was thinking of selling one on ebay... but with all of this chaos I might keep one for my benefit... especially now that I realized that I can't play the umd movies on my white one. UGGGGGGGGGG!!! lol

October 1st, 2005, 03:53
well if GTA is 2.0 then of course theres the v3rsi0n ch@ng3r..
if the game was on something higher than 2.0 then we could wait for those brilliant minds to do their thing and get hb and ems to work on the new os..

If I did have the luck to get a windfall, maybe I'd buy a new psp. low income as it is, its such a brilliant little mechanism it would be idealistic to have one for HB and ems, and the other for strictly commercial stuff like umd games and films! :D

it shouldn't be too hard, should it? and if they get past the version changer, maybe some launcher could be made to get through the UMD data to the main 'game' executable

October 1st, 2005, 04:36
But it dosent matter, that is what WAB Version Changer is for.

October 1st, 2005, 04:42
sure, I'll upgrade my PSP so I can buy and and play one game at the expense of hundreds of cool homebrews, emulators, 3rd party apps, and any "other" things I may want to try out......

are you kidding? isn't this an emu forum? I mean, if I wanted to be a regular PSP user, I wouldn't be here in the first place.....

come on, be serious. even having to buy another psp at $250 is worth it, even if you don't have the scratch. In the long run it is worth it, plus you can sell your pretendo DS and not fuss with the GP32x..........and save the dough for another PSP!
I did!

Compared to the Ipod, the PSP is a joke mp3 player, but for nearly everything else it leads the market in portable coolness!

October 1st, 2005, 06:12
well, I heard there is a way to play games that require an update without an update and without the version changer, according to what I heard you just have to run a game compatible with your version software or lower, then change it quickly to the game which needs the upgrade and it will be able to run it without an upgrade. ;)

I hope this helps. :)

October 1st, 2005, 06:28
wraggster brought up that idea i heard it works

October 1st, 2005, 07:13
But it dosent matter, that is what WAB Version Changer is for.

i'm speaking on the 'what if' situation if they block out faked versions...

the fact remains, those of us with 1.5 have the power to do everything, including modify our firmware.. and there's hackers who research this power, and new sites with admins who keep careful watch...

homebrew is a beautiful thing. it may not be "what the system was designed for", but it's an end product of the system's design, and is a wonderful one. I do see Sony's point though - why play Coded Arms when i've got a fully functional, mod-usable copy of Doom on my memory stick? Why play one of those awful action-RPGs when I can load up any one of the 2D Zelda games?

.. yeah, i really don't see a reason to <_<;

honestly though, there ARE games on the horizon i'm looking forward to, but if they require updating past what a version changer allows, i'm happy simply waiting until it's doable

and seriously, GTA *WILL* have hacking if it needs to - it's too much of a killer app not to

October 1st, 2005, 07:30
Oh, that's easy. NO. Grand Theft Auto is sluggish, self-absorbed, morally bankrupt garbage. I've played GTA3 and San Andreas and were bored to tears by both of them. Sure, you can explore a vast city, but what's the point when there's nothing interesting in it? "But there's blood and swearing," you say! Big deal... what game these days DOESN'T have that?

I wouldn't want to upgrade my firmware for any PSP game, but I sure as hell wouldn't do it for Grand Theft Auto, the most boring and overrated video game in history.


October 1st, 2005, 08:30
I just got this from an IGN preview of GTA multiplayer:

Fortunately, connecting four PSPs during our demo was quick and easy with minimal fuss. The only snag we ran into was due to one PSP which hadn't been updated with the recent Firmware 2.0 update. After the two minute installation, though, we were all ready to roll.

So it looks as if they are going with a 2.0 requirement. Now that 2.0 is hacked, who knows if they will require the 2.x ugrade for it to run. But as of now, it seems we need the 2.0 upgrade...

Link to article:



October 1st, 2005, 09:20
I guess I won't be playing multiplayer....too bad...

The current loaders get past the 1.52 & 2.0 requirement...so I guess I won't be updating...

First they have to MAKE a 2.01 firmware THEN it has to be ON a later game and not be passable by current & perhaps future loaders.....

So that should add another 3 months AT LEAST to the masses enjoying 1.50 to the fulliest....

October 1st, 2005, 10:35
do what i did BUY 2

i have jap one and a uk one

October 1st, 2005, 10:49
Same here, I still have my v1.0 which I shall NEVER upgrade and my v2.0 which I will use to play all those newer games until people find their way around them. That way if "multiplayer" does only work on a certain firmware then Im covered both ends :)

October 1st, 2005, 11:04
No.I waited a full mounth (1.52 firmware) for homebrew stuff (PDF reader, avi player and other useful Stuff like freeware LUA Games and so one)

I will never ever upgrade my firmware for 1 (one) game. Its like buying a new graphics card for a new game, but all old are unplayble caus of driver incompatibilities.
My opinion.

October 1st, 2005, 11:12
i've got two 1.5 jap psps (not downgraded) which i iwill not upgrade...i'll just wait for the version changers to come and do their work for me. When does are there I'll buy the game but play it from my MS if that circumvents a mandatory upgrade.

My wipeout pure so much more fun instead of a long annoying wait when i play it from my MS instead of my UMD. Plus with up'ing the clock speed it runs so much more smooth and fine that I can not go back to playing it from the UMD.

so no upgrading the firmware for me, though "every extend extra" does seem a likely candidate for me to force me into an upgrade.... or buy a 3rd psp.

October 1st, 2005, 12:46
i will upgrade :)

October 1st, 2005, 12:47
what is it with every1 having 2 psps? is everyone on this forum totally loaded!???

October 1st, 2005, 16:13
Nope, I will not upgrade. If they are forcing the upgrades. Well then I'm not buying any games anymore. I buy games often. But if they are going to do stuff like that, forcing you to upgrade. well... a lot of people may not buy those games.

October 1st, 2005, 16:28
It's my firmware and I'll cry if I want too...

October 1st, 2005, 18:13
what is it with every1 having 2 psps? is everyone on this forum totally loaded!???

I was thinking the exact same thing.

October 1st, 2005, 19:29
hha sorry man i have 2 1.5's long story why i bought to long story short-i upgraded to 1.52 and was dying for homebrew but then i heard about 2.00-upgraded and than the downgrade was made so now i have 2 1.5's to work with!

October 1st, 2005, 22:46
i've got two 1.5 jap psps (not downgraded) which i iwill not upgrade...i'll just wait for the version changers to come and do their work for me. When does are there I'll buy the game but play it from my MS if that circumvents a mandatory upgrade.

My wipeout pure so much more fun instead of a long annoying wait when i play it from my MS instead of my UMD. Plus with up'ing the clock speed it runs so much more smooth and fine that I can not go back to playing it from the UMD.

so no upgrading the firmware for me, though "every extend extra" does seem a likely candidate for me to force me into an upgrade.... or buy a 3rd psp.

THREE PSPs?...wow, i wish i had the money :p .. btw, if you dont want your umd wipeoutpure can i have it? :D hehe

October 2nd, 2005, 01:46
Hello, New to the board. (Not new to using Homebrew/emulators on psp)

In my opinion, It is a stupid idea. By making later games require the 2.01 or whatnot update. They will lose alot of game buyers because of this. Alot of psp users like to play/use homebrew and emulator games/applications. Besides, It does not matter how many times they make games to require certin upgrades, it will always be cracked.

October 2nd, 2005, 14:14
JoshM248-Agreed, plain and simple.

Sony is a *** in a bag. . .

October 2nd, 2005, 20:59
cant you just use pspset and fool the game that you have a higher version?

October 3rd, 2005, 13:44
Give it all some time, and everything will work out in the end.

October 5th, 2005, 11:57
I'm sure somebody else mentioned this, but the question is mote. With the WAB Firmware changer, you can make your PSP look like any version. I've already used it on my own PSP and my sister's as well, just so both of our PSP's never get infected by Sony's firmware plague.

And thank god is the Firmware changer was released, I was just about ready to stop buying all future PSP titles. I didn't even want to risk accidentally upgrading my system to 1.51, but now I can use all of my new PSP games without fear! Sony should be thanking those guys, because without them, I'd have never bought another game again! WAB Rocks!

October 5th, 2005, 12:40
Wait until a fastloader version comes and buy a big MS :D