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View Full Version : Retro Systems Maxed out at Pixel Arcades.co.uk

January 1st, 2017, 20:09
Ive been sat at home this Xmas, getting drunk as you do, eating way too much and watching a load of crap films on TV, but whilst going through Facebook one day I noticed what must have been a sponsored link to a site called Pixelarcades, having never seen it before and im trying to get back into the good old days of newsposting I had a good looksy.

Now I am really glad I did, the guys at Pixelarcades are from what I can see replacing the guts of the games consoles with I presume a raspberry pi board and some type of flash drive or hard drive and bundling it with roms and emulators.

Theres probably more to it than I know but if you want a PSX, Snes, N64, Dreamcast etc maxed out with games this is an awesome way to go about it, if you live in the UK you can even get your console converted and at the moment they are even buying consoles to be retro fitted.

They also sell pinball tables and arcade systems if you have the cash to buy them, some look like one off versions too. Cant fault them at all for the balls to do this, check them out here -> http://pixelarcades.co.uk/ and give me your comments.