View Full Version : PegaSwitch by ReSwitched project update

August 9th, 2017, 20:07
More Nintendo Switch Hacking News:

SciresM just reported the following on Twitter (https://twitter.com/SciresM/status/870981277868011523): 'Cleaned up the last pegaswitch memory corruption issues. Stress test of 10000 svc calls + full memdump + available sysarchive dump passes :)' For those who don't remember what it is: 'PegaSwitch (https://pegaswitch.com/) is an exploit toolkit for the Nintendo Switch. By taking over WebKit, we are able to read/write memory, call native functions, and otherwise explore the functionality of the Switch from the domain of the WebKit process. This does not currently enable homebrew software, but is built to allow other hackers to work toward that goal.

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