View Full Version : Alien Games Taking Over ScummVM

November 15th, 2017, 20:14
ScummVM for those who dont know, but surely you do ? is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed! ScummVM supports many adventure games, including LucasArts SCUMM games (such as Monkey Island 1-3, Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max, ...), many of Sierra's AGI and SCI games (such as King's Quest 1-6, Space Quest 1-5, ...), Discworld 1 and 2, Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2, Beneath A Steel Sky, Lure of the Temptress, Broken Sword 1 and 2, Flight of the Amazon Queen, Gobliiins 1-3, The Legend of Kyrandia 1-3, many of Humongous Entertainment's children's SCUMM games (including Freddi Fish and Putt Putt games) and many more.

in a recent update this was posted:

Go to an alien world, go to an alien world on an alien spaceship, or gehe zu einem fremden Raumschiff (go to an alien spaceship)! There are three alien worlds to choose from in our newest batch of adventures, now ready for testing in the latest daily build (http://www.scummvm.org/downloads/#daily) of ScummVM:

Lighthouse (http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/Lighthouse)
RAMA (http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/RAMA)
Starship Titanic German (http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/Starship_Titanic)

The Datafiles page (http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/Datafiles#All_SCI32_.28SCI2.2F3.29_games) has been updated with instructions on how to install these games. If you don’t own one, go to our where to get the games (http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/Where_to_get_the_games) page to buy them!
Before you start your test run, for Lighthouse and RAMA, please read the instructions on our SCI testing page (http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/SCI/Testing), and take some screenshots (http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/Screenshots) along the way. For Starship Titanic German, you’ll need an extra required titanic.dat (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scummvm/scummvm/master/dists/engine-data/titanic.dat) file, which should be put in the same folder you copy your game files to.
