View Full Version : Gameboy Updates

November 16th, 2017, 17:57
The Gameboy the iconic handheld that made tetris into one of the greatest puzzle games of all time and still getting commercial releases by coders who refuse to let a good console die, heres the latest news linked from PDroms homebrew site:

Sheep It Up! (Commercial) (GB Game) (Gameboy) (http://pdroms.de/gameboy/sheep-it-up-commercial-gb-game)

Lumberjack (GB Game) (Gameboy) (http://pdroms.de/gameboy/lumberjack-gb-game)

Tobu Tobu Girl (WIP) (GB Game) (Commercial) (Gameboy) (http://pdroms.de/gameboy/tobu-tobu-girl-wip-gb-game-commercial)Polka Sheep v0.1.0 (GB Game) (Gameboy) (http://pdroms.de/gameboy/polka-sheep-v0-1-0-gb-game)BotB Invitro (GB Invitro) (Gameboy) (http://pdroms.de/gameboy/botb-invitro-gb-invitro)µCity v1.0 (GBC Game) (Gameboy) (http://pdroms.de/gameboy/%c2%b5city-v1-0-gbc-game)Bitcity (Beta 5) (GBC Game) (Gameboy) (http://pdroms.de/gameboy/bitcity-beta-5-gbc-game)Video: Kids react to Game Boy (GB misc) (Gameboy) (http://pdroms.de/gameboy/video-kids-react-to-game-boy-gb-misc)Escape 2042 – The Truth Defenders (GB Game) (Dreamcast) (http://pdroms.de/dreamcast/escape-2042-the-truth-defenders-gb-game)