View Full Version : Blackout for the Vita released

November 28th, 2017, 20:27
Its always nice to see new homebrew released for the PSvita, heres the info from this release:

Blackout is a clone of Lights Out for the PSVita with a pretty good amount of polish. Lights Out is a pretty popular game in which you must toggle lights on and off to have a fully dark screen. While it may sound simple, it’s not that easy since when you press a light, the adjacent lights also turn on/off so you must think before making your next move!
This clone has the following features:

The grid is 5×5 so you have 25 lights per puzzle that you have to take care of.
You control the game with the touch screen by touching the lights you wish to switch, so this is yet another way how you can utilise the touch screen (official Vita games don’t use it enough…)!
The game has a decent UI that displays all the controls and the amount of moves (and record moves) you did in that particular puzzle.
There are 50 puzzles to play so you won’t get bored that easily even if you plan to play it for quite a while.

download -> https://github.com/dragaron/Blackout/releases

via http://wololo.net/2017/11/26/blackout-vita-released-refined-version-lights-play-go/