View Full Version : Pandora Homebrew - Hydra Castle Labyrinth - - New

November 30th, 2017, 23:09
Newly released for the Pandora Console (http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_nkw=pandora+console&_frs=1&_trksid=p3286.c0.m359)

Hydra Castle Labyrinth, originally Meikyuujou Hydra, is a freeware Indie platformer developed by E. Hashimoto, a.k.a. Buster, and released on his website. The original game was entirely in Japanese, but saw a translation patch months after its original creation.The game hearkens back to early "Metroidvania" games like Knightmare II: The Maze of Galious and Legacy of the Wizard: the player explores an immense maze-like dungeon, collecting tools and keys that allow them to proceed deeper. Certain areas are cordoned off from the main dungeon area, and each presents a more linear zone with a boss at the end. The player can find new equipment to make themselves stronger as well.

Download Here (http://repo.openpandora.org/?page=detail&app=hydracastlelabyrinth_ptitseb)