View Full Version : fixNES Alpha v1.0.5

December 15th, 2017, 22:53
FixNes the Nes Emulator has been updated, heres the release info:

fixNES Alpha v1.0.5 is released. This is a NES Emulator.

fixGB Alpha v1.0.5 Changelog:
small change in multi-chip nsf playback, when both n163 and s5b are used make sure to give n163 priority to prevent possible write address overlap conflicts

Controls right now are keyboard only and do the following:
Y/Z is A
X is B
A is Start
S is select
Arrow Keys is DPad
Keys 1-9 integer-scale the window to number
P is Pause
B is Disk Switching (for FDS)
O is Enable/Disable vertical Overscan

download https://github.com/FIX94/fixNES

via http://www.emucr.com/2017/12/fixnes-alpha-v105.html