View Full Version : OpenTTD v1.7.2 RC1

December 15th, 2017, 23:10
The open source version of Transport Tycoon Deluxe has been updated, heres the release notes:

OpenTTD v1.7.2 RC1 is released. OpenTTD is an open source simulation game based upon the popular Microprose game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe", written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features.

OpenTTD is modelled after the original Transport Tycoon game by Chris Sawyer and enhances the game experience dramatically. Many features were inspired by TTDPatch while others are original.

OpenTTD Changelog:
- Change: When train depots have a horizontal scrollbar, allow scrolling 1 tile beyond the longest train, so you can actually attach a wagon at the end (r27937)
- Fix: When moving wagons in the depot, the drag highlight did not exactly match the length of the dragged wagon chain (r27936)
- Fix: [Win32] Right mouse scrolling didn't work properly with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update [FS#6629] (r27935)
- Fix: Forest, candyfloss forest and battery farm skipped the first animation frame [FS#6639] (r27932)
- Fix: Glyphs in range U+0020 to U+00FF may only be defined in orig_extra.grf, not in openttd.grf [FS#6620] (r27915)
- Fix: 'unban' console command was not handling IPv6 adresses properly (r27914, r27913)
- Fix: Keep the 'link' between industry chain and smallmap windows whenever possible [FS#6585] (r27905)
- Fix: When the last vehicle is removed from a shared orders group, hide the 'Stop sharing' button in the vehicle orders window [FS#6593] (r27904)
- Fix: Tooltip of 'increase service interval' said 'decrease' [FS#6606] (r27895)
- Fix: Console command parser passed invalid strings to the debug output, if command lines had many parameters [FS#6576] (r27884, r27883)

download http://www.openttd.org/

via http://www.emucr.com/2017/12/openttd-v172-rc1.html